Eventos > Seminários de Álgebra

Sheaves on subanalytic sites and D-modules

25/01/2008 Sexta-feira, 25 de Janeiro de 2008, 14h30, Anfiteatro 
Luca Prelli (CAUL, Portugal)

Let X be an analytic manifold. There are object in analysis (as tempered distributions) which are not defined by local property and which are not sheaves in a classical sense. But they become sheaves if we consider the subanalytic site associated to X (whose open sets are subanalytic and the coverings are locally finite). We will introduce the subanalytic site, we will define the six Grothedieck operations for subanalytic sheaves and extend some classical contructions. Then we will construct the subanalytic sheaf of tempered holomorphic functions and see some application to D-modules.