Eventos > Seminários de Álgebra

On F-inverse covers of inverse semigroups

02/07/2004 Sexta-feira, 02 de Julho de 2004, 16h, Anfiteatro 
Maria Szendrei (Universidade de Szeged, Hungria)

It turns out that each finite inverse monoid admits a finite F-inverse cover if and only if the same is true for each finite combinatorial strict inverse semigroup with an identity adjoined if and only if the same is true for the Margolis-Meakin expansion M(H) of each finite elementary abelian p-group H for some prime p. Additional equivalent conditions are given in terms of the existence of certain locally finite varieties of groups. Ultimately, the problem of whether each finite inverse monoid admits a finite F-inverse cover, is reduced to a question concerning the Kostrikin-Zelmanov varieties Kn of all locally finite groups of exponent n.