At the moment I'm a Research Associate in the Electronic System Design and Automation (ESDA) group at Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigacao e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID), Lisboa. Here I'm devoted to research on reconfigurable (FPGA) and embedded systems. Occasionally, I collaborate with CEDET-ISEL.
In the past:
Research Fellow, Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica (ISR-UC), Coimbra;
- Responsible for the production of research material related to BAMBI project, project documentation and deliverables, choice of hardware development platforms and software, support and training of MSc and PhD students in reconfigurable hardware circuit design, and verification.
Research Assistant, Imperial College London, United Kingdom;
- Research in fault-tolerant and partially-reconfigurable systems; responsible for designing a module for online testing of IP blocks for an artificial pancreas. Also, implementation of the Min-res algorithm on a ProcStar V from Gidel (Novo-G).
Research Assistant, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (IT-IST), Lisbon;
- Research in acceleration of transport protocols for Internet over DVB-RCS satellites; responsible for the simulation of the new protocol in NS2 and its documentation.
Research Intern, Centro de Estudos e Desenvolvimento em Electronica e Telecomunicacoes (CEDET-ISEL), Lisbon;
- Development of hardware and software for embedded systems and development of analog, digital and mixed-signal circuits and systems, such as projects: "Infra-red light emitting source for license plates", and "Liquid's conductance logger"; 80C537 system development kit;
Research Topics:
Reconfigurable architectures for high-performance computing;
Design methods for circuit area, performance, resilience and power optimization;
Architectures for fault-tolerance and error minimization;
Stochastic computing;
Research Projects:
[2018] SARRROCA - Synthetic Aperture Radar Robust Reconfigurable Optimized Computing Architecture, FCT Project;
[2014] BAMBI - Bottom-up Approaches to Machines dedicated to Bayesian Inference,, EU collaborative FET Project 618024;
[2014] DeSyRe - on-Demand System Reliability, FP7 STREP project 287611,, Imperial College London, United Kingdom;
[2010] Novo-G - high-performance reconfigurable computing architectures for the reconfigurable cluster Novo-G at the NSF Center of High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC) - University of California, Imperial College London, United Kingdom;
[2006-2008] TOP - Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Inter-operable PEP,, Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT-IST), Lisbon;
[2005-2006] High-power infra-red lighter for license plates, deployed in Brisa highways (Portugal), developed at Centro de Estudos e Desenvolvimento de Electrónica e Telecomunicações - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.