MSc Thesis Advisor at IST/ULisboa:
- João Martins - On-board image processor for satellites
- João Freitas - Neural-Network-Based Controller on SoC-FPGA for Three-Phase Inverter
- Rúben Teixeira - SoC-FPGA accelerated BDD-based model checking
- Maria Inês Frutuoso - Wearable IoT System for People and Environment Monitoring
- Vitor Fernandes - Improved GNSS received on FPGA
- Teodoro Dias - Accelerator for real-time on-board processor of satellite images
- Dinis Madeira - Educational Reconfigurable System for Teaching Computer Architectures based on the P4 Processor - http://p4.rnl.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/
- Alberto Monteiro - Fault-tolerant digital controller for solar power regulator for sattelites/space expeditions on FPGAs
- Duarte Botelho - Complementary environment, passenger and vehicle monitoring for improved Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems
- César Gouveia - FPGA-Based Traffic-Sign Detection and Classification
- Álvaro Simões - An OpenCL accelerator for temporal pattern extraction in genetic expression using bi-clustering
- Helena Cruz - Multi-Core Fault Tolerance Mechanism for Airborne SAR Systems
- Guilherme Lima - Vehicle classification system with neural networks on FPGA
- Pedro Faria - Wireless power solution for auto steering wheels
- Filipe Cunha - Wireless sensors for diapers to monitor babies
- João Soares and João Liquito - Safe Highways: autonomous modular alerting system
- Eduardo Sousa - Smart Bike
- Paulo Isidoro - Noise monitoring system for nurseries
- Internship Advisor, Benjamin D'Aletto, INESC-ID, 2017 ;
- Summer Internship Advisor, Guilherme Beja, INESC-ID, 2016 ;
- Summer Internship Advisor, José Dias, INESC-ID, 2016 ;
- Extra-curricular Project Advisor, Bruno Martins, Hugo Inocêncio, Marco Carmo, António Almeida, Luis Galhoz, "Intelligent emergency alerting system for search & rescue teams", CEDET-ISEL and UAL, Lisbon; Texas Instruments Europe Design Contest 2016 Entry Report pdf
- R&D Intern Advisor, André Duarte, "Evaluation of embedded systems and analog electronics for ECG acquisition systems", Cardio-Id Technologies and Instituto Superior Técnico, 2015;
If you're interested in joining our group to do your research project on reconfigurable architectures please get in touch.