First Testings in a Gym!


Hey everyone! This week we will be discussing data receival, UI and case prototype and testing in the gym.

To start off the great news of this week are we have gone to the gym and put SGECK to use. Getting straight to the point the results we’re very reassuring. We got data not only from the accelerometer but also from the time of flight sensor which proved to be very effective, and we are now debating what sensors we are going to use for data acquistion, one or the other or the combination of both. Lastly we got data for the benchmark of sampled exercises, here are the results:


Next up app development, we are now receiving fully operational sensor data on the app on our phone, and are now going to start working on displaying and treating the data. UI is also being developed that being the exercise pages, the home and stats page.

The case for the arduino, time of flight sensor and power supply is also moving along.

Lastly we’ve began idealizing the product video although we’ve not decided which route to take.

That’s everything, see you next time!

-The SGECK team.