Big UI developments!


Welcome back to our blog! In this week’s work we’ve finalized the settings page and developed the home page, done a partners analysis and began structuring data for visualization.

The partners analysis we’ll soon be posted along its own blogpost.

When it comes to the app development we’ve finalized the bluetooth connection as well as the settings page which follows the design proposed on the last blogpost.


As we can see above there are many functionalities implemented, some that were already working and some new ones such as “Notificatons” that got a button along with it’s own animation. The only thing that’s left for the settings page are the acctual functionalities of some button for example “Contact Us”. The home page is also coming toghether, right now we’re working on implementing a news API on an horizontal scroll that will display fitness news to the users.

Lastly we’re also structuring exercise data to be displayed on graphs on the stats page of the app.

That’s everyting, see you next time!

-The SGECK team.