Bluetooth connection, Figma, blog and pitch deck


Hey everyone! We’re back to the weekly blog posts and this week we will discuss bluetooth connectivity between the arduino and the app, UI implementation using Figma, the blog and pitch deck.

To start our hardware and software engineers worked toghether to implement bluetooth and localization permissions on the app and a BLE scan to search for the SGECK prototype. The permissions that the app now asks the user for are necessary for BLE connections as these require localization and can only be established within the app, and not on the settings app in the bluetooth section.


Moving along on the UI side of things we’ve started designing pages on Figma, this will very much improve the UI and take our app to the next level in terms of user accessibility. Some of the pages we’ve designed are the register and settings page.


When it comes to the blog other than the weekly post we will introduce technical posts. These are meant to go more in depth in the technologies we use while developing the project, such as data acquisition, database implementation and more. This week at least one of these posts should be up on the website for you to read.

Finally we’re currently updating our pitch deck according to the teachers recommendations, for exemple making the slides more compact as well as more visual. We intend to keep upgrading our pitch deck until the final presentation in order to get the best result possible.

Thank you for reading this week’s update post and make sure to check out our other ones!

-The SGECK team.