Functional Database: Customizable Exercises/Profile


Database implementation, home and settings page, intermediate presentation, arduino coding.

Hello everyone this week our team started preparating the intermediate presentation, not only updating the original proposal PowerPoint but also preparing the website for the evaluation moment.

There is very positive news when it comes to the database which is now mostly functioning. The exercises on the “Work” page are now automatically added to the user’s database and each user has a customizable profile. On the profile users can customize it by entering their goals, age, weigh, etc. This information can be added at the moment of the account’s creation or it can be added or changed later in the settings section. The home page UI has been sketched and will start to be worked on as soon as possible, we have decided to use Material Design’s features for this page to make it more pleasing, since it’s the landing page for the user. Lastly for the APP we’ve been able to use the APP on our phone using the android developer mode.

With the newly acquired arduino we can start working on its connectivity to the APP and acquiring data from it.

That’s everything for this week, see you next time!

-The SGECK team.