Good day readers! Since the last post we’ve worked on following topics: exercise recording, fitness news API, promotional video and box prototype.
Getting straight into it exercises are now automatically recorded to the database when finished. The app currently records date reps and the used weight, the recorded exercises are organized in a history on the DB to be displayed in their respective page.
Moving along the home page is coming toghether, the news API has been finished and implemented in an horizontal scroll view. The button for the training split is up next.

Other exciting news are we’ve printed our first prototype for the box, it has a slot for the arduino and the time of flight sensor along with a cut out for a switch. We’re going to test fit everything and update anything that’s necessary.

Lastly we’ve done further work on the pitch deck and the script for the video, which we’re now setting a date for the recordings.
Thank you for reading!
-The SGECK team.