Start for Promotional Video and Poster!


UI improvements, poster, video filming and case remodeling.

Welcome back everyone! This week we tackled the poster, filming the video, remodeling the case and improving the UI.

To start we worked on improving the app’s QOL and UI. We created a splash screen when opening the app, the icon for the app in the phone’s main screen, customizable split functionality and display on home screen and general bug fixing.


We remodeled SGECK’s case with the intent to fix the problems we faced with our first prototype. The case is made up of three parts, we’ve already printed one and are hopeful this will be the final design.

Also filmed the promotional video and started working on the poster, we drafted some templates on Canva and started filling in with our information.

Thank you for reading this week’s post! See you next time!

-The SGECK team.