Visualize your exercises on the SGECK App!


Thank you for joining us on yet another blogpost we hope you’ve been well! In this post we’ll talk about: graphing collected data, box remodelling, UI development and bug fixing, exercise data processing.

To start on the stats page it’s now possible to vizualize exercise data in the form of a graph. The graph displays the position of the stack throughout the entirety of the set. Here’s an example:


The app is now capable of counting reps and we’re working on processing the data to get other results like amplitude and concentric and eccentric times.

Still on the app development realm some bugs to do with the UI have been fixed. It has also been made possible for the user to select the weight being used for the set.


On the hardware side we’ve remodelled the box and should have a prototype by next week.


That’s everything for this week thank you for reading the blog, see you next time!

-The SGECK team.