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Exploring Position Calculation Using Accelerometer Sensor Data

How have things been going since we last spoke? We hope great! Today, with the help of our hardware engineer, Eduardo Casanova, we’ll discuss the technicalities behind achieving position information using accelerometer sensor data, such as: data acquisition, filtering, integration methods, and verification.

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Competitor Analysis

Hey everyone! Here is the market/comptetitors analysis we promissed. We’ve compared our product to some competitors of ours segmented by factors, which are: price, quality, reliability and integration capabilities.

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Functional Database: Customizable Exercises/Profile

Database implementation, home and settings page, intermediate presentation, arduino coding. Hello everyone this week our team started preparating the intermediate presentation, not only updating the original proposal PowerPoint but also preparing the website for the evaluation moment.

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The Start of the SGECK app

Log in/register system, app development, database, 3D model search. During this week our software team dedicated their efforts for the most part to develop the mobile app, this includes a log in/register system, navigation between pages and connectivity to the database.

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