The Start of the SGECK app


Log in/register system, app development, database, 3D model search.

During this week our software team dedicated their efforts for the most part to develop the mobile app, this includes a log in/register system, navigation between pages and connectivity to the database.

In terms of app progress we got a basic hold of android studio and simulation of a mobile devices. When it comes to progamming the app and it’s funcionalities we were able to find a lot of valuable information on the web, such as the log in and register system button use and page connectivity. We also skteched the app pages and started working on the front end of some them. This coming week we have our aims set to keep evolving the app and add more data base functionalities. And that’s about it for the software side of things.

On the hardware side at the end of the week we received the arduino and plan on testing data aquisition during the next week. Moreover the hardware team started looking for arduino nano 3D models we can use for the product’s box. We intend to modify an already existing model to satisfy our needs in terms of the power supply.

For the less technical stuff we still need to organize the results we got from the interviews. And that’s everything for this week.

-The SGECK team.