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Post Scriptum

The team spent the last weeks improving the prototype. In the Graphical User Interface, other functionalities were implemented, namely, the possibility to remove data points in the map and a button to readjust the map view to a default zoom and center (which is useful in case the users lose track of their location in the map).

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Final Week

In the 16th a final week of the project we made some adjustments to the user interface, while also testing the device in more realistic environments.

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Week 15

On tuesday, 25th of May, Carlos Reis and Gonçalo Lázaro proceeded with MEMS microphone calibration.

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Weeks 13 and 14

Over the course of the past two weeks, Nuno Jorge, with the help of Afonso Cruz, made considerable improvements in the Graphical User Interface.

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Week 12

This week has been dedicated to the study and implementation of the communications protocol. The primary objective is to establish a reliable data transmission from the Arduino Nano RP2040 to a gateway, facilitated by a WEMOS D1 mini directly connected to the computer.

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Week 11

This week, our Smart Sound Monitoring project witnessed significant developments as we navigated through crucial decisions and operational adjustments.

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