Welcome to our weekly update from Team SEKEYRITY! This week has been filled with discussions and collaborative brainstorming sessions. Here’s a recap of our key tasks and progress:
Defining Practical Cases/Problems: We began by identifying real-world problems to which we can offer a solution. The problem was identified following the need to access a room in the NEEC (NĂșcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia EletrotĂ©cnica e de Computadores) in the Eletro/North Tower. To access the room, one must request the key from the security guard at the tower’s reception. We identified that the management of who had the key was manual; the security guard checks a list to see if the person can take the key and then records who took the key on another sheet. The entire process is outdated, inefficient, and inconvenient. Furthermore, it leads to discrepancies in the process.
Technological solution: In light of the aforementioned challenges associated with access management, we conceived a solution: SeKEYrity - a card reader system that checks if a user is authorized to access a key, and if they are, grants them access to it.
Technical Scope and Areas of Focus: In our meetings, we outlined the main technical areas we intend to explore to tackle the identified problems effectively. This includes but is not limited to data base access, hardware considerations, and software integration. By defining these areas early on, we can streamline our efforts and allocate resources more efficiently.