Week 12 May 06 - May 12


Welcome to our weekly update from Team SEKEYRITY! This week has been packed with significant milestones Here’s a brief overview of our recent achievements:

Web Application Progress: We’re thrilled to report that significant strides have been made in implementing all planned features within the web application. With successful implementation, users can now seamlessly manage every request, while administrators have gained the ability to oversee all key transactions directly within the app. This enhancement streamlines access management processes, facilitating efficient monitoring of key returns and access requests.

Next Steps for the Web App: Looking ahead, our focus within the web application realm is to introduce email notifications for users who have yet to return keys within the expected timeframe. By enhancing accountability through automated reminders, we aim to further optimize the key management process, ensuring timely returns and improved user responsibility.

Hardware Development Achievements: On the hardware front, significant milestones have been achieved in implementing the key return feature. Notably, the system now intelligently recognizes keys upon entry, facilitating precise placement within the dispenser. This advancement enhances the overall functionality and reliability of the SeKEYrity system, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Addressing Power Outage Concerns: In addition to hardware advancements, we’re actively exploring solutions to maintain system functionality in the event of a power outage. This includes the development of a local database that updates, at least, every 24 hours, ensuring data integrity and system continuity. Furthermore, plans are underway to integrate a battery backup system, guaranteeing uninterrupted operation and enhanced reliability. Stay tuned for further updates!