Greetings, everyone! We’re thrilled to share some exciting updates on our SeKEYrity project. This week has been incredibly productive, as we’ve reached significant milestones in both our hardware and software development efforts. Here’s a brief overview of our recent achievements:
Prototype Completion and Enhancements: We’re excited to announce that We’ve completed the construction of the crucial feature of our prototype, which enables accurate key dispensing. Alongside this milestone, we’ve implemented several enhancements to boost functionality and user experience. A standout addition is the integration of a clear glass component into the dispenser, offering visibility into key movements. This enhancement provides valuable insights into the key retrieval and internal movement process.
Web App Enhancements: In parallel with our hardware advancements, we’ve also made significant improvements to our web application. One of the standout features we’ve implemented is the ability for administrators to track key transactions initiated by users. With this new feature, administrators can now monitor key movements, including key requests and returns, providing enhanced oversight and control.
Innovative Key Recognition System: Additionally, we’ve introduced a modification to our dispenser process to address potential key conflict issues. To achieve this, we’ve devised a solution that enables the dispenser to recognize which key is being returned by the user. After careful consideration, we opted to implement an RFID-based key recognition system. This system involves placing an RFID reader at the entrance of the dispenser and attaching RFID tags to each key. Through this innovative approach, the dispenser can accurately identify the key being returned, ensuring seamless operation and minimizing potential conflicts.
Next Steps: With these exciting developments underway, we’re eager to move forward with the implementation of our key recognition system. We’ve already begun the process of acquiring the necessary materials and resources to bring this vision to life.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of access management with SeKEYrity. Be sure to stay tuned for further updates!