Progress Update (Video, Pitch Deck and Poster) - Week 27 of May to 2 of June
In this week, the team focused in developing several materials needed for the delivery of the project in June 7th: Video, Pitch Deck and Poster. It was ensured that all of them complied with the objectives announced, defined the solution for the existing problem, the beneficiaries, the mode of operation and the production of the prototype. The presentations are made to be engaging, with a focus on visual elements like pictures and graphs rather than written explanations. It was also taken into account the fact that the video will be displayed without sound in Demo Day, so the only sound used was background music. Given that the testing of the prototype will only be done next week, and the way the testing of the solar panels and the power measurement will be done is still to be defined, there are still no tangible results to present yet. Therefore, the materials will only be completed next week after doing experiments and analysing the obtained results.