Arlindo Oliveira's Home Page

Arlindo Oliveira

Former positions: president of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST); president of INESC-ID; chair of the CSE Dept. of IST; visiting professor at MIT; visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo; member of the Advisory Board of the European Parliament STOA panel; member of CNCTI; member of the board of Taguspark S.A.; member of the board of CESAER; president of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence; researcher at CERN, Cadence Berkeley Labs and UC Berkeley ERL.
Present positions



INESC, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, is the largest group of research institutions in Portugal, dedicated to research and development in information and communication technologies.


Science, Technology and Society

A book about science and technology and their impacts on society, published by Guerra e Paz, with articles published in 2018-2022, organized and collected (available at your favorite bookstore, including Bertrand, Amazon, Almedina, Fnac).


Generative Artificial Intelligence

A book about generative artificial intelligence, published by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, about the latest AI technologies. (available in Portuguese, soon at a bookstore near you: Fnac, Almedina, Bertrand, Amazon and Wook). You can also talk to the author.


The Digital Mind: How Science is Redefining Humanity

A book published in English by MIT Press, in Portuguese by IST Press, and in Chinese by CITIC Press, about computation, evolution, life, brains, and intelligence (available at your favorite bookstore, including Bertrand, Almedina, Fnac, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Wook).


Digital Minds, the Blog

A blog that addresses the many questions raised by new technologies, in the areas of computers, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, neurosciences, machine learning, bioinformatics and related matters.


Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery Group

The Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery Group of INESC-ID, a research group dedicated to advancing the state of the art in Machine Learning, Algorithms and Computational Biology.


Artificial Intelligence

A book published by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (see promo video here), about the technologies and applications of Artificial Intelligence (available in Portuguese, at a bookstore near you: Fnac, Almedina, Bertrand, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Wook).


Media Appearances

Appearances on the media about topics such as digital minds, computational thinking, artificial intelligence, and the future of technology. Includes podcasts, videos, television shows, radio and newspaper interviews (mostly in Portuguese, some in English).


Scientific Publications

Journal and conference articles, in public and private databases, in the areas of algorithms, machine learning, bioinformatics, computational biology and computer aided design.


Público: Chronicles

My monthly chronicles in the Portuguese newspaper Público, covering technology, information and communication technologies and science, in general (sorry, only available in Portuguese).


Computer Architecture: Digital Circuits to Microprocessors

A book I co-authored (with José Monteiro and Guilherme Arroz), covering digital circuits, computer architecture and assembly programming published in Portuguese by IST Press and in English by World Scientific avaliable at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other bookstores.


The LumLis Reading Group @ INESC-ID

A journal club run by the IDSS and HLT groups of INESC-ID, within LumLis, that meets regularly to discuss recent advances in machine learning technology.



LumLis, the Lisbon Center of the ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent systems) network, a global initiative in Artificial Intelligence at Instituto Superior Técnico.



NeuralShift, a spinoff of INESC-ID and the MLKD group, which specializes in deep learning applications in computer vision and customer interaction.



HeartGenetics, a digital health company that adds intelligence to genetic data. Supported by a strong knowledge on cardiovascular genetics, it develops wellness genetic tests which are instrumental in the definition of highly personalised lifestyle plans..


Learn to change the world

Give a man a fish, and feed him for one day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. Now, teach a man to think, and he will change the world! The institutional video of Técnico, a School for the World.


Computer Generated Art

A few samples of computer generated art. Using algorithms that adapt the input to the style of particular artists, you too can transform your personal pictures into works of art. Your milleage may vary but, in some cases, quite surprising results can be obtained using these simple optimization algorithms.


Center for Responsible AI

The Center for Responsible AI, a large scale project, financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, that aims at developing AI technology that is fair, explainable, sustainable and privacy-preserving.


A different breed of people

We are a different breed of people. In a way, we never stopped being children. The same insatiable curiosity, the same fascination with the unkown...


ELIXIR Portugal Node

The ELIXIR Portugal Node, an infrastruture dedicated to the task of making bioinformatics useful to the Portuguese Scientific Community, where I served as Head of Node.



INESC-ID, a research institute connected with IST, which develops work in the areas of computer science and electrical enginnering, in the topics of Energy, Information and Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Electronics and Communication Networks.


Instituto Superior Técnico

Instituto Superior Técnico is the engineering school of the University of Lisbon, where I am a professor of the Computer Science and Engineering Department. The largest engineering school in Portugal, it has more than 12000 students and ranks amongst the top 20 engineering schools in Europe.


CERN: Accelerating Science

Seeking and finding answers to questions about the universe, advancing the frontiers of technology, bringing nations together through science, training the scientists of tomorrow.


UC Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley, where I obtained a PhD degree in 1994. Great place to live and to study, specially if you love idiosyncratic people and ideas, intelectual challenges and good food. Settled in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, it is truly a unique place to live and to study.



The beautiful city of Lisbon, full of wonderful views, smart restaurants and curious streets. The place to be if you love history, good food and friendly people. Also a great place to work, study or, simply, enjoy yourself in the company of friends.


Valores Próprios

The magazine of IST, featuring the many events that happen regularly in the school, covering education, research, entrepreneurship, sporting events and much, much more. The name is a play on words that, regrettably, is lost in translation.


Conferences and journals

Conferences that I organized or where I participated in the program committee and journals where I was editor, reviewer or contributor, in some other category.


Travel pictures

Some chosen pictures, mostly of places, landscapes and people, chosen from my favorites, in no particular order. The list will keep growing as I find the time to select the pictures.


Book Reviews

Some book reviews I have been making, which are also part of the blog Digital Minds. They cover mosttly topics related with digital and artificial minds, but anything goes, really.



Yeastract (Yeast Search for Transcription Regulators And Consensus Tracking) is a curated repository of more than 200.000 regulatory associations between transcription factors and target genes in Saccharomices cerevisiae.