1 Description of the dataset

The ovarian cancer dataset is based on gene expression data of oncological patients and is constituted by 517 observations over 12042 covariates. This data was obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) (http://cancergenome.nih.gov/).

The dataset is publicly available (https://gdc-portal.nci.nih.gov/) and it was normalized and aggregated by the TCGA consortium allowing for the analysis to be reproducible with the original dataset. We only cleaned corrupted case records from the data, where correlated attributes had invalid information.

The clinical data was cleaned using “Days to last follow-up” and “Days to death” attributes to detect inconsistencies between them. Only the cases where the number of days matched were included in the analysis. The same process was performed for the attributes “Days to death” and “Vital status”, where some cases had as status “deceased”, but a missing “Days to death”.

This dataset was analysed in three different ways.

Lets read each dataset. Do not forget to change the filepath for the correct directory of your computer.

The covariate matrix has to be defined. The data is stored in a txt file.

2 TCGA ovarian cancer 18 genes

data.survival18<- read.table("./tcga18.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)

##        LPL     IGF1    EDNRA    MFAP5      LOX    INHBA     THBS2   ADIPOQ
## 1 5.610701 7.511564 5.251405 4.348473 3.753541 4.789777  8.197449 4.852636
## 2 3.927762 6.238349 5.916283 6.667097 4.025553 4.925367  8.380464 3.204983
## 3 6.667391 4.218046 4.300340 3.395904 3.872636 3.835449  5.995941 3.164932
## 4 3.737681 6.878165 3.823494 2.997130 3.349100 3.585837  4.163529 3.209809
## 5 4.649516 7.648314 6.883327 7.845051 4.645337 5.202604  9.693533 3.193201
## 6 3.693657 6.110123 4.855396 6.772189 4.604459 6.536206 10.045702 3.260278
##        NPY    CCL11     VCAN       DCN    TIMP3     CRYAB   CXCL12
## 1 3.468236 4.035410 6.582996  7.641697 6.138341  5.342155 6.256299
## 2 3.401826 4.431276 7.088650 10.527365 6.665464  7.184504 7.493833
## 3 3.538999 4.054605 3.874755  7.404490 4.243858  4.089568 4.210808
## 4 3.499236 3.793138 3.569516  3.744800 3.656709  6.956911 6.939087
## 5 3.251680 5.470451 8.267006  9.763219 6.290778 10.038258 5.326372
## 6 3.445472 5.797378 8.239962  9.495431 7.657357  6.589208 6.701060
##       SPARC     CNN1     FBN1
## 1  9.882551 5.000291 5.514547
## 2 10.482700 6.432753 7.220278
## 3  7.042135 4.435957 4.330573
## 4  7.010820 4.459158 3.850500
## 5 11.077949 9.074373 7.972447
## 6 10.894212 6.020242 6.567972

And the matrix for the time and status is given by:

data.time.status<-read.table("./timestatus.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)
##   time status
## 1 1336      1
## 2 1247      1
## 3   55      1
## 4 1495      0
## 5   61      1
## 6 1418      0

2.1 Survival analysis

The Cox’s proportional hazard was performed in all variables.

2.1.1 Cox Regression model

Let’s start the analysis for the Cox regression model.


Fit the Cox proportional hazards to the dataset.

fit.cox.all18<-coxph(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival18)
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~ 
##     ., data = data.survival18)
##           coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z      p
## LPL     0.1263    1.1346   0.0751  1.68 0.0924
## IGF1    0.0210    1.0212   0.0600  0.35 0.7266
## EDNRA   0.0224    1.0227   0.1227  0.18 0.8549
## MFAP5   0.0165    1.0166   0.0482  0.34 0.7327
## LOX     0.1918    1.2114   0.1251  1.53 0.1254
## INHBA  -0.1432    0.8666   0.1786 -0.80 0.4227
## THBS2   0.0639    1.0660   0.0902  0.71 0.4787
## ADIPOQ -0.1256    0.8819   0.0910 -1.38 0.1676
## NPY     0.0552    1.0567   0.0496  1.11 0.2655
## CCL11  -0.1296    0.8785   0.0960 -1.35 0.1771
## VCAN    0.0578    1.0595   0.1009  0.57 0.5664
## DCN     0.0729    1.0757   0.0892  0.82 0.4133
## TIMP3   0.0719    1.0745   0.0835  0.86 0.3891
## CRYAB   0.1092    1.1154   0.0424  2.58 0.0100
## CXCL12  0.0204    1.0206   0.0818  0.25 0.8030
## SPARC  -0.3811    0.6831   0.1402 -2.72 0.0066
## CNN1    0.0863    1.0901   0.1141  0.76 0.4493
## FBN1    0.1135    1.1202   0.1690  0.67 0.5018
## Likelihood ratio test=26.8  on 18 df, p=0.0837
## n= 517, number of events= 284

Next, see if the hypothesis of proportional hazards is not violated. By the results obtained, the proportional hazards hypothesis is not violated.

pph18<-cox.zph(fit.cox.all18, transform="km", global=TRUE)
##            rho    chisq      p
## LPL     0.0584 1.09e+00 0.2970
## IGF1   -0.0378 4.75e-01 0.4909
## EDNRA  -0.0256 3.00e-01 0.5839
## MFAP5   0.0674 1.52e+00 0.2184
## LOX     0.0179 1.09e-01 0.7418
## INHBA   0.0118 4.31e-02 0.8355
## THBS2  -0.0379 4.56e-01 0.4997
## ADIPOQ -0.1246 4.87e+00 0.0273
## NPY    -0.0310 3.28e-01 0.5669
## CCL11   0.0665 1.36e+00 0.2440
## VCAN    0.0240 1.81e-01 0.6705
## DCN    -0.0100 3.12e-02 0.8598
## TIMP3  -0.0202 1.27e-01 0.7216
## CRYAB  -0.0544 9.81e-01 0.3219
## CXCL12 -0.0014 6.83e-04 0.9791
## SPARC   0.0577 9.08e-01 0.3406
## CNN1   -0.0850 2.82e+00 0.0928
## FBN1   -0.0218 1.91e-01 0.6618
## GLOBAL      NA 1.92e+01 0.3795

2.1.2 Cox Robust

In order to see if the results obtained before are consistent, a robust version of the Cox regression model is going to be performed. First call the following package.


To see the results obtained by fitting the robust Cox using exponential weights with a 5% level of trimming, do the following:

fit.coxrobust18<-coxr(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival18,trunc=0.95, f.weight="exponential",singular.ok=T,model=F)
## Call:
## coxr(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~     ., data = data.survival18, trunc = 0.95, f.weight = "exponential",     singular.ok = T, model = F)
## Partial likelihood estimator
##           coef exp(coef) se(coef)       p
## LPL     0.1263     1.135   0.0751 0.09257
## IGF1    0.0207     1.021   0.0601 0.73040
## EDNRA   0.0223     1.023   0.1227 0.85570
## MFAP5   0.0166     1.017   0.0482 0.73068
## LOX     0.1922     1.212   0.1251 0.12450
## INHBA  -0.1431     0.867   0.1786 0.42301
## THBS2   0.0640     1.066   0.0902 0.47786
## ADIPOQ -0.1254     0.882   0.0910 0.16841
## NPY     0.0552     1.057   0.0496 0.26528
## CCL11  -0.1296     0.878   0.0960 0.17703
## VCAN    0.0576     1.059   0.1009 0.56776
## DCN     0.0728     1.076   0.0892 0.41396
## TIMP3   0.0719     1.074   0.0835 0.38923
## CRYAB   0.1092     1.115   0.0424 0.00999
## CXCL12  0.0204     1.021   0.0818 0.80330
## SPARC  -0.3818     0.683   0.1403 0.00649
## CNN1    0.0866     1.091   0.1141 0.44763
## FBN1    0.1141     1.121   0.1690 0.49972
## Wald test=27 on 18 df, p=0.079
## Robust estimator
##            coef exp(coef) se(coef)      p
## LPL     0.10107     1.106   0.0856 0.2375
## IGF1    0.03407     1.035   0.0705 0.6289
## EDNRA   0.06185     1.064   0.2119 0.7704
## MFAP5   0.00888     1.009   0.0622 0.8865
## LOX     0.16876     1.184   0.1499 0.2604
## INHBA  -0.15555     0.856   0.1895 0.4118
## THBS2   0.08631     1.090   0.1072 0.4205
## ADIPOQ -0.07269     0.930   0.1047 0.4875
## NPY     0.06251     1.065   0.0710 0.3785
## CCL11  -0.15784     0.854   0.1212 0.1927
## VCAN    0.02857     1.029   0.1419 0.8404
## DCN     0.07907     1.082   0.0993 0.4257
## TIMP3   0.07745     1.081   0.0906 0.3925
## CRYAB   0.11793     1.125   0.0544 0.0302
## CXCL12  0.01292     1.013   0.0962 0.8932
## SPARC  -0.39783     0.672   0.2020 0.0489
## CNN1    0.13126     1.140   0.1395 0.3468
## FBN1    0.11223     1.119   0.2234 0.6154
## Extended Wald test=27.8 on 18 df, p=0.0647

2.2 Cox Robust based on Heritier

Another proposal of the robust Cox is given by Heritier (2009), and is going to be performed next.


The fitted model using exponential weights with 5% level of trimming is given bellow.

##            estimate         SE          z p.value
## LPL     0.101118182 0.07169238  1.4104454 0.15840
## IGF1    0.034040440 0.06700056  0.5080620 0.61140
## EDNRA   0.062118582 0.14823520  0.4190542 0.67517
## MFAP5   0.008912579 0.05164610  0.1725702 0.86298
## LOX     0.168964994 0.12809588  1.3190510 0.18715
## INHBA  -0.155638383 0.18406256 -0.8455733 0.39779
## THBS2   0.086216158 0.09076783  0.9498537 0.34218
## ADIPOQ -0.072837762 0.10007700 -0.7278172 0.46672
## NPY     0.062470225 0.05534324  1.1287778 0.25899
## CCL11  -0.157642473 0.10130146 -1.5561718 0.11966
## VCAN    0.028569797 0.09559983  0.2988478 0.76505
## DCN     0.079087093 0.09756531  0.8106067 0.41759
## TIMP3   0.077490703 0.08806427  0.8799335 0.37889
## CRYAB   0.117990400 0.04369162  2.7005269 0.00692
## CXCL12  0.012983156 0.08792611  0.1476598 0.88261
## SPARC  -0.397470586 0.13323024 -2.9833361 0.00285
## CNN1    0.131279965 0.13408693  0.9790660 0.32754
## FBN1    0.111613834 0.18058542  0.6180667 0.53653

The only genes statistically significant were: CRYAB and SPARC, for Cox’s and Cox’s robust.

The next figure shows that observations 113 and 219 are identified as influential observations in the sense that the weight given for each one is the lowest among the others.

In the next section it is going to be evaluated if the observations identified before are or not influential.

2.3 Residual for survival analisys

In order to identify which of the observations might be outliers the martingale residual is going to be performed.

2.3.1 Martingale

The results regarding the martingale residuals are shown bellow. Observation 219 presented the lowest values for the martingale residual.

res.mart.18<- resid(fit.cox.all18,type="martingale")

##       219       455       221       113       211       372 
## -3.562662 -2.871125 -2.700999 -2.610279 -2.498537 -2.355086

NOTE: I can not find a way to identify in R markdown a way of identify the observations.

3 TCGA ovarian cancer 22 genes

data.survival22<- read.table("./tcga22.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)

##       AKT1    BARD1    BRCA1    BRCA2    BRIP1     CDH1    CHEK2   CTNNB1
## 1 6.258296 7.988497 4.642252 3.593121 3.745706 5.988638 4.437772 9.551465
## 2 6.123882 6.139685 3.777406 3.592756 3.256215 6.551716 5.827722 9.299819
## 3 6.353982 6.700977 3.987946 3.522306 3.262751 5.714169 4.986823 8.766935
## 4 6.488616 5.662163 4.066489 3.440468 3.041098 5.845066 4.386200 7.753195
## 5 5.723935 5.675966 3.791599 3.385041 3.252254 6.202242 4.227166 8.777190
## 6 6.590594 5.910909 4.062616 3.499677 2.943837 6.766820 4.191829 8.896559
##       MLH1   MRE11A     MSH2     MSH6      NBN    OPCML    PALB2    PARK2
## 1 7.796957 4.532044 6.615308 5.563443 6.347600 3.119211 5.924211 3.270832
## 2 7.351675 4.777423 6.704939 5.320612 6.819968 3.360535 5.412581 3.523069
## 3 6.744995 4.038520 4.456795 4.682963 6.859582 3.511675 5.599444 3.255477
## 4 6.138424 4.834517 6.355851 5.410165 7.769844 3.416089 6.006152 3.395512
## 5 7.998900 4.384351 5.285149 4.660124 6.230915 3.276513 5.568247 3.235833
## 6 6.866562 4.831684 5.663074 4.876299 7.590006 3.394371 5.319687 3.360755
##     PIK3CA     PMS2    RAD50   RAD51C    STK11     TP53
## 1 5.656110 5.249860 4.456818 6.461107 4.218988 3.523659
## 2 5.430994 4.380777 5.609112 5.433464 4.215096 5.423081
## 3 4.841365 5.168418 4.609403 4.817056 4.541523 5.123093
## 4 6.204039 5.301112 5.443193 5.576623 4.251991 5.041598
## 5 5.279189 6.034872 5.798886 5.775185 4.405784 4.780075
## 6 5.975738 4.745667 4.623963 4.661468 4.678426 5.243353

And the matrix for the time and status is given by:

data.time.status<-read.table("./timestatus.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)
##   time status
## 1 1336      1
## 2 1247      1
## 3   55      1
## 4 1495      0
## 5   61      1
## 6 1418      0

3.1 Survival analysis

The Cox’s proportional hazard was performed in all variables.

3.1.1 Cox Regression model

Let’s start the analysis for the Cox regression model.


Fit the Cox proportional hazards to the dataset.

fit.cox.all22<-coxph(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival22)
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~ 
##     ., data = data.survival22)
##            coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z      p
## AKT1   -0.19913   0.81944  0.10276 -1.94 0.0526
## BARD1  -0.03631   0.96434  0.11452 -0.32 0.7512
## BRCA1   0.09836   1.10337  0.15951  0.62 0.5375
## BRCA2   0.49402   1.63890  0.21141  2.34 0.0194
## BRIP1  -0.22114   0.80160  0.23950 -0.92 0.3558
## CDH1    0.03771   1.03843  0.14218  0.27 0.7908
## CHEK2  -0.12778   0.88005  0.10071 -1.27 0.2045
## CTNNB1  0.19857   1.21966  0.17019  1.17 0.2433
## MLH1    0.06619   1.06843  0.14428  0.46 0.6464
## MRE11A -0.16245   0.85006  0.20968 -0.77 0.4385
## MSH2    0.04115   1.04201  0.13400  0.31 0.7588
## MSH6    0.04407   1.04506  0.21013  0.21 0.8339
## NBN     0.19078   1.21019  0.11486  1.66 0.0967
## OPCML   0.33666   1.40026  0.31939  1.05 0.2919
## PALB2  -0.42376   0.65458  0.13850 -3.06 0.0022
## PARK2   0.74684   2.11032  0.50070  1.49 0.1358
## PIK3CA  0.00855   1.00859  0.10115  0.08 0.9326
## PMS2    0.12670   1.13508  0.12100  1.05 0.2951
## RAD50   0.14258   1.15325  0.13167  1.08 0.2789
## RAD51C -0.09550   0.90892  0.11626 -0.82 0.4114
## STK11   0.06164   1.06358  0.34490  0.18 0.8582
## TP53   -0.04847   0.95269  0.06237 -0.78 0.4371
## Likelihood ratio test=28.6  on 22 df, p=0.157
## n= 517, number of events= 284

Next, see if the hypothesis of proportional hazards is not violated. By the results obtained, the proportional hazards hypothesis is not violated.

pph22<-cox.zph(fit.cox.all22, transform="km", global=TRUE)
##             rho   chisq      p
## AKT1    0.00724  0.0171 0.8960
## BARD1   0.00683  0.0145 0.9043
## BRCA1  -0.09332  2.6854 0.1013
## BRCA2   0.07766  1.6607 0.1975
## BRIP1  -0.08000  1.5860 0.2079
## CDH1    0.04793  1.0132 0.3141
## CHEK2  -0.08389  2.1027 0.1470
## CTNNB1  0.06718  1.2913 0.2558
## MLH1    0.06660  1.3205 0.2505
## MRE11A  0.11347  3.4451 0.0634
## MSH2   -0.09146  2.5408 0.1109
## MSH6    0.10872  3.3348 0.0678
## NBN     0.01563  0.0829 0.7734
## OPCML   0.00652  0.0132 0.9084
## PALB2  -0.07804  1.9425 0.1634
## PARK2   0.02826  0.2431 0.6220
## PIK3CA -0.09990  2.9543 0.0857
## PMS2    0.02823  0.2454 0.6204
## RAD50  -0.04988  0.8128 0.3673
## RAD51C  0.00993  0.0352 0.8511
## STK11  -0.02991  0.2859 0.5928
## TP53    0.01613  0.0855 0.7700
## GLOBAL       NA 23.2662 0.3868

3.1.2 Cox Robust

In order to see if the results obtained before are consistent, a robust version of the Cox regression model is going to be performed. First call the following package.


To see the results obtained by fitting the robust Cox using exponential weights with a 5% level of trimming, do the following:

fit.coxrobust22<-coxr(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival22,trunc=0.95, f.weight="exponential",singular.ok=T,model=F)
## Call:
## coxr(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~     ., data = data.survival22, trunc = 0.95, f.weight = "exponential",     singular.ok = T, model = F)
## Partial likelihood estimator
##            coef exp(coef) se(coef)       p
## AKT1   -0.19926     0.819   0.1028 0.05249
## BARD1  -0.03648     0.964   0.1145 0.75007
## BRCA1   0.09807     1.103   0.1595 0.53867
## BRCA2   0.49326     1.638   0.2114 0.01964
## BRIP1  -0.22078     0.802   0.2395 0.35661
## CDH1    0.03712     1.038   0.1422 0.79406
## CHEK2  -0.12806     0.880   0.1007 0.20356
## CTNNB1  0.19797     1.219   0.1703 0.24492
## MLH1    0.06658     1.069   0.1443 0.64448
## MRE11A -0.16265     0.850   0.2097 0.43793
## MSH2    0.04153     1.042   0.1340 0.75662
## MSH6    0.04362     1.045   0.2101 0.83557
## NBN     0.19075     1.210   0.1149 0.09679
## OPCML   0.33620     1.400   0.3194 0.29257
## PALB2  -0.42386     0.655   0.1385 0.00221
## PARK2   0.74706     2.111   0.5007 0.13565
## PIK3CA  0.00846     1.008   0.1011 0.93337
## PMS2    0.12680     1.135   0.1210 0.29467
## RAD50   0.14232     1.153   0.1317 0.27974
## RAD51C -0.09518     0.909   0.1163 0.41294
## STK11   0.06369     1.066   0.3449 0.85350
## TP53   -0.04862     0.953   0.0624 0.43569
## Wald test=28.7 on 22 df, p=0.153
## Robust estimator
##             coef exp(coef) se(coef)      p
## AKT1   -0.179299     0.836   0.1714 0.2954
## BARD1  -0.047121     0.954   0.1227 0.7010
## BRCA1   0.146716     1.158   0.2017 0.4669
## BRCA2   0.409153     1.506   0.2403 0.0886
## BRIP1  -0.144673     0.865   0.2869 0.6141
## CDH1   -0.013347     0.987   0.1903 0.9441
## CHEK2  -0.087715     0.916   0.1118 0.4325
## CTNNB1  0.155470     1.168   0.2419 0.5204
## MLH1    0.000376     1.000   0.1541 0.9981
## MRE11A -0.257807     0.773   0.3052 0.3983
## MSH2    0.108100     1.114   0.2364 0.6475
## MSH6   -0.029767     0.971   0.3432 0.9309
## NBN     0.179014     1.196   0.1530 0.2420
## OPCML   0.362036     1.436   0.3162 0.2522
## PALB2  -0.388593     0.678   0.2140 0.0694
## PARK2   0.696033     2.006   0.6044 0.2495
## PIK3CA  0.042643     1.044   0.1171 0.7157
## PMS2    0.107714     1.114   0.1561 0.4901
## RAD50   0.179381     1.196   0.1527 0.2402
## RAD51C -0.084398     0.919   0.1383 0.5418
## STK11   0.141996     1.153   0.3867 0.7134
## TP53   -0.052114     0.949   0.0908 0.5659
## Extended Wald test=21.3 on 22 df, p=0.502

3.1.3 Cox Robust based on Heritier

Another proposal of the robust Cox is given by Heritier (2009), and is going to be performed next.


The fitted model using exponential weights with 5% level of trimming is given bellow.

##             estimate         SE           z p.value
## AKT1   -0.1793829787 0.10541514 -1.70168136 0.08881
## BARD1  -0.0472931507 0.11184613 -0.42284120 0.67241
## BRCA1   0.1462191499 0.16571660  0.88234460 0.37759
## BRCA2   0.4093275515 0.21955109  1.86438410 0.06226
## BRIP1  -0.1445577094 0.25405582 -0.56899978 0.56935
## CDH1   -0.0134656022 0.17903523 -0.07521202 0.94004
## CHEK2  -0.0875453467 0.10429829 -0.83937467 0.40125
## CTNNB1  0.1554211725 0.16732977  0.92883158 0.35297
## MLH1    0.0004336543 0.15300874  0.00283418 0.99773
## MRE11A -0.2577233623 0.21334812 -1.20799455 0.22704
## MSH2    0.1082866920 0.13309187  0.81362365 0.41586
## MSH6   -0.0297638431 0.19530129 -0.15239962 0.87887
## NBN     0.1789929451 0.12562204  1.42485305 0.15419
## OPCML   0.3616498551 0.23661473  1.52843340 0.12640
## PALB2  -0.3884494783 0.15216721 -2.55278036 0.01068
## PARK2   0.6957356921 0.50590250  1.37523672 0.16905
## PIK3CA  0.0426598556 0.10668713  0.39985942 0.68926
## PMS2    0.1078097744 0.12648730  0.85233674 0.39402
## RAD50   0.1792425255 0.14388234  1.24575766 0.21285
## RAD51C -0.0843687276 0.12102781 -0.69710199 0.48573
## STK11   0.1422488093 0.36413834  0.39064497 0.69605
## TP53   -0.0520303860 0.06648857 -0.78254635 0.43389

The only genes statistically significant were: BRCA2 and PALB2 for the Cox’s and PALB2 for the robust version of Heritier.

The next figure shows that observations 114 and 211 are identified as influential observations in the sense that the weight given for each one is the lowest among the others.

## [1] 517
##      95% 
## 1.708681
##         114         211          26         279         297         113 
## 4.857660237 3.147022286 2.859966157 2.850864321 2.659806309 2.589187266 
##          44         254         155          69          55         354 
## 2.408387318 2.275224159 2.223210431 2.180841738 2.121971972 2.097512594 
##         371         372         516         301         452         377 
## 2.091148221 2.020831974 2.019849748 1.990466902 1.979131080 1.962350742 
##         455         269         278          20         221          60 
## 1.892881225 1.865787388 1.848765974 1.844500575 1.813631357 1.768411944 
##         368          48         268         220         263         232 
## 1.757595769 1.709457002 1.708486612 1.688189344 1.687841798 1.679534527 
##         117         317         115         295          14         233 
## 1.647032728 1.616395160 1.604698977 1.596106350 1.554440978 1.519331861 
##          28         184          45          88         338         251 
## 1.514266176 1.496526529 1.486739857 1.480507878 1.469047057 1.462671705 
##         116         210         228         158         192          29 
## 1.461296165 1.460678091 1.449018610 1.441962914 1.407642773 1.406111596 
##         203         405         513         219         350         426 
## 1.377870098 1.372725223 1.353851299 1.353623961 1.344349584 1.328444133 
##         222          22         381         152          15         266 
## 1.319010590 1.316517451 1.312148992 1.309659441 1.299641493 1.293569544 
##         119         303         273         125         179         322 
## 1.286982979 1.277137370 1.275485136 1.273654764 1.258013873 1.236653265 
##         151         469         112         453         159         407 
## 1.223303335 1.219913785 1.214600326 1.210520103 1.199949774 1.197797347 
##         120         327         260         207         161         330 
## 1.194253940 1.180419642 1.179366141 1.171988224 1.167047889 1.159614319 
##         382         508          32         253         231         506 
## 1.157261888 1.152999463 1.139996206 1.133809494 1.129817031 1.110084759 
##          62         290          75         153          18         124 
## 1.107385472 1.106501026 1.103525009 1.096050780 1.070926149 1.069508831 
##         363         510         306         487         122          21 
## 1.045947548 1.042491559 1.041004830 1.023966469 1.017302533 1.011569475 
##         425         507          67          10         123         265 
## 1.001606940 0.993636290 0.991737797 0.963630197 0.960649003 0.946600648 
##         130         131         388          16         416          47 
## 0.937591893 0.930755990 0.926765295 0.920331655 0.917739662 0.905607200 
##          12         267         314         165          61           6 
## 0.900319622 0.898331460 0.898191977 0.893883839 0.889819703 0.885453858 
##         422         326         483         321         191         348 
## 0.876920581 0.866374051 0.861508499 0.855175749 0.854266181 0.848003043 
##          11         118         420          63         312         331 
## 0.836842140 0.834173564 0.825139595 0.822273193 0.811117833 0.801795227 
##         261         406         390         272          23          36 
## 0.796623016 0.792034017 0.791293403 0.790541662 0.788853112 0.788550517 
##           4          76         408         391         509         485 
## 0.786626265 0.786496725 0.784164555 0.763928357 0.762321452 0.759191170 
##         193         511          99         502         163          39 
## 0.744589356 0.744479648 0.742891671 0.741373621 0.740056987 0.736346968 
##         412          49         356          81         505         347 
## 0.735309950 0.734333777 0.726889142 0.722982257 0.719779911 0.719755244 
##         411         486         384         484         274         515 
## 0.711062466 0.706939270 0.706908090 0.704770061 0.700530582 0.697874097 
##         389         369           2         160         264         128 
## 0.695516617 0.681742908 0.681102939 0.675882773 0.672488842 0.667420773 
##         299         127         186          46         206         501 
## 0.662163224 0.661476737 0.657963801 0.652885031 0.649787588 0.644608126 
##         374          25         410         307         280          43 
## 0.629169297 0.624263159 0.623604998 0.619869519 0.619178078 0.617704074 
##         325         204         370          82         298          98 
## 0.617422497 0.613082319 0.605822276 0.604837671 0.604274776 0.603222598 
##         337         358          35         223         121         329 
## 0.588457654 0.579149630 0.570378067 0.558589689 0.551709754 0.551306199 
##         166         457         418         431         216         197 
## 0.550791775 0.549311921 0.544015201 0.540171352 0.538950527 0.537394767 
##         315         491         481         436         341         108 
## 0.526105520 0.517787059 0.516387345 0.508714930 0.505086451 0.504965675 
##         162         308         378         214         209         110 
## 0.502217528 0.500865188 0.499893761 0.498732225 0.495632153 0.492861788 
##         345         109         474         498         489           1 
## 0.490402427 0.490127981 0.486189431 0.481207122 0.477641693 0.476503551 
##         404         439         132         181         373         463 
## 0.475996548 0.475931245 0.467306590 0.466758211 0.461398754 0.460375714 
##         427         375         442         361          71         300 
## 0.450120627 0.449968613 0.448709755 0.448501990 0.448307777 0.443438873 
##         313          37         178         471         249         335 
## 0.438237425 0.435059980 0.431965917 0.430916578 0.429304926 0.428696288 
##         349         392          95         270         434         215 
## 0.427788203 0.420997322 0.420929444 0.417045810 0.413581078 0.411123872 
##         336         470          85         465         309         473 
## 0.407111961 0.406263379 0.404495588 0.401456059 0.400992363 0.399202486 
##          31         129         417         218         332          34 
## 0.396558456 0.392681403 0.389825469 0.389279527 0.387970291 0.386753468 
##         101          19          78         281         367         195 
## 0.381272513 0.375829377 0.371320205 0.366388346 0.366078677 0.362366374 
##         320         385         376          92         467         167 
## 0.360462762 0.358833254 0.358785026 0.354012160 0.353578502 0.350812828 
##          13         449          33         199         275         318 
## 0.349934742 0.349377433 0.345084710 0.343405005 0.340592434 0.337938897 
##         423          72         183         293         154         305 
## 0.334543512 0.330085520 0.328717720 0.328626794 0.326356968 0.325412574 
##         134         468         182         366         258         353 
## 0.324125148 0.319131433 0.300456533 0.294311167 0.293595622 0.293594410 
##         169         424         441         200         497         462 
## 0.292051150 0.291421050 0.290030487 0.286233822 0.284213401 0.282162848 
##         156         230          58          27         454          17 
## 0.279008179 0.275577379 0.275396260 0.269053886 0.262833346 0.258765965 
##         246         514         435         446         259         482 
## 0.256110995 0.255329505 0.254690441 0.250933881 0.250587068 0.249707311 
##          68         429         448         433         227         196 
## 0.249529925 0.246915161 0.246088475 0.243240321 0.242500295 0.239823556 
##         451          50         226         395         324         344 
## 0.239394389 0.238925023 0.233934228 0.233034278 0.232281996 0.231980777 
##         225          41         185         133         437         387 
## 0.231179073 0.229307096 0.226705691 0.226593291 0.225053814 0.223839411 
##         365         450         440         394         247         499 
## 0.222597866 0.220250997 0.218026660 0.217656998 0.217012208 0.215547510 
##         304          70         352         428         386         100 
## 0.210538618 0.209184169 0.208659356 0.208537765 0.205175288 0.202814019 
##         362         443         393         271          96          24 
## 0.199417880 0.198228710 0.197846118 0.197308724 0.196959330 0.196739490 
##         157           8         111         340         444         342 
## 0.193341062 0.191575635 0.189682696 0.186793014 0.179167179 0.178056523 
##         168         445          30          93         339         126 
## 0.176411276 0.175358479 0.174837388 0.172039634 0.171865386 0.170627075 
##         517         248         187         136          73         292 
## 0.170588652 0.167872661 0.167557245 0.166033931 0.165316527 0.164664670 
##         334         135         102          80         379         194 
## 0.164255192 0.163971612 0.161644750 0.157615872 0.154137297 0.153229084 
##          51         319         488         351          91         414 
## 0.146095408 0.143487930 0.143481038 0.143267647 0.141269539 0.139677855 
##          77         464         399         494         355         383 
## 0.137451098 0.135462649 0.135151243 0.132278822 0.132133481 0.127482987 
##         380         262          87          40          66           9 
## 0.126939729 0.123735833 0.123701165 0.121809585 0.121525486 0.121504874 
##         252          65          64         495         245         400 
## 0.120859655 0.119737989 0.117384648 0.111200578 0.111011671 0.110373869 
##         188         397         396         490         343         276 
## 0.110124955 0.107675835 0.106077640 0.105794063 0.104930779 0.104907423 
##          94         460          59          74          42          84 
## 0.104644080 0.104080242 0.103782709 0.103290423 0.100051004 0.099762279 
##         143         224         170         277         480         409 
## 0.099017374 0.098041669 0.097619823 0.096424674 0.095364975 0.094256870 
##         250         234         229         302         287         208 
## 0.093091651 0.091141512 0.088577328 0.088542755 0.088055843 0.087679819 
##          86         137         401         142         360         479 
## 0.087594519 0.086000375 0.085551550 0.084392487 0.082835326 0.082785427 
##          90         438          54         148          56         147 
## 0.082383364 0.080732874 0.080135266 0.075555734 0.072555894 0.071983531 
##          53         256         145         139         213         430 
## 0.069983102 0.069279592 0.068849947 0.068519440 0.068350955 0.067287297 
##         413         402         478          57         235         177 
## 0.067006035 0.066230089 0.065582600 0.064321945 0.064282238 0.063515915 
##         237         333         144         398         291         244 
## 0.063185104 0.063074663 0.062638158 0.061663743 0.061618879 0.059857779 
##         198         138         164         106         286         140 
## 0.059787672 0.059584236 0.059056954 0.058018642 0.057864577 0.057550616 
##         243          89         172         174          38         461 
## 0.057504714 0.056817126 0.055781157 0.055343480 0.055253209 0.055155700 
##         504         493         105         146         180         282 
## 0.054996328 0.054949169 0.054278790 0.054212595 0.053990886 0.053582822 
##         476         236         240         419         212         201 
## 0.052819191 0.051795226 0.051667396 0.051644248 0.051593355 0.051026963 
##         173         289         283         103         242         205 
## 0.050439178 0.050060420 0.050002647 0.049658752 0.048539194 0.048314271 
##         141          79         241         294         364         104 
## 0.048111285 0.047760088 0.047324084 0.047176495 0.046942400 0.046864115 
##         149         403         190         255         466          97 
## 0.045147091 0.045111110 0.044492682 0.043816608 0.043281539 0.043106304 
##         296          52         503         107         496         459 
## 0.042587845 0.042450354 0.042433189 0.042055875 0.041927275 0.041184846 
##         458         189         150         238         171         512 
## 0.041016502 0.040638307 0.039284758 0.039190731 0.037491406 0.036921411 
##          83         288         456         176         284         447 
## 0.034321675 0.034229978 0.034188066 0.033328301 0.032924555 0.032868112 
##         257         328         323         477           5         285 
## 0.032849253 0.029642417 0.029105603 0.028805872 0.027082114 0.024675979 
##         359         492           7         500           3         175 
## 0.023714575 0.023265783 0.023034617 0.021863474 0.020858088 0.020297475 
##         432         421         472         357         239         475 
## 0.020240701 0.016662130 0.015868770 0.014485308 0.013028390 0.012796552 
##         310         316         311         217         346         202 
## 0.010116631 0.009420008 0.008437502 0.005756461 0.005584571 0.002492063 
##         415 
## 0.002129644

In the next section it is going to be evaluated if the observations identified before are or not influential.

3.2 Outlier detection methods for survival analisys

In order to identify which of the observations might be outliers the martingale residual is going to be performed. Martingale

The results regarding the martingale residuals are shown bellow. Observations 114 and 211 presented the lowest values for the martingale residual.

res.mart.22<- resid(fit.cox.all22,type="martingale")

##       114       211        55       155        26       516 
## -3.949405 -3.167509 -2.269112 -2.254516 -2.080776 -2.021388

4 TCGA ovarian cancer 63 genes

data.survival63<- read.table("./tcga63.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)

##       HPCA   UBE2J1  RPS6KA2   SDF2L1     GRB7    PTGFR    ABCD2 FLJ20323
## 1 3.379032 5.896456 5.357038 4.874745 5.016913 3.217106 2.542321 6.321591
## 2 3.598830 5.665333 5.723389 5.944378 4.641386 3.263849 2.679477 7.036717
## 3 3.546836 5.506559 5.600255 5.824784 4.549980 3.320506 2.907267 5.951632
## 4 3.837105 5.812184 5.101305 5.460481 5.336149 3.198962 2.628976 5.466801
## 5 3.475349 5.652375 5.715203 6.546454 4.958317 3.126072 2.591892 6.716352
## 6 3.464720 5.958244 5.066772 6.311690 5.894845 3.085201 2.700265 6.396568
##      WDR76   NDUFA3     FJX1   GAPDHS   RAB40B    PRR16   CLTCL1    PPM2C
## 1 3.754587 9.535576 6.309770 3.317805 6.496108 2.899054 4.261355 6.611384
## 2 3.542326 9.333357 7.611736 3.209725 6.313544 2.928660 3.591383 6.975410
## 3 4.149125 9.086639 5.903247 3.899254 5.721326 2.838115 3.749531 5.458948
## 4 4.188862 8.992090 6.821217 3.444856 7.460255 2.706408 3.801350 6.004740
## 5 3.274037 9.124981 6.440648 3.448312 6.237777 2.979348 4.570501 6.185189
## 6 3.738367 9.948365 6.372649 3.195631 6.562669 2.786102 3.664497 5.691560
##      FOXE3    CHIT1      PI3     BNC1  D4S234E    SAPS2  CSNK1G1     MLL2
## 1 3.458641 3.198617 3.532951 3.145852 5.396823 4.924117 3.759848 3.521559
## 2 3.186995 3.164931 3.977135 3.326847 7.106902 4.729032 3.684128 3.492482
## 3 3.402760 3.315234 6.607681 2.981269 4.184155 5.110301 3.661495 3.913990
## 4 3.086911 3.377248 3.848075 3.128189 3.868022 4.569071 3.768946 3.525928
## 5 3.081613 3.335361 7.669747 3.272936 3.678554 4.961995 3.715381 3.399159
## 6 3.329947 3.272312 3.343027 4.940456 5.598197 5.010243 3.502163 3.465175
##      HSPB7  SLC37A4     WTAP    SSTR1     IDUA     PSG3   SLC9A2   PAPOLG
## 1 3.452125 4.606796 4.828085 3.044503 3.656593 3.106292 3.581540 3.301122
## 2 3.510539 4.967137 5.583108 3.150559 3.610913 3.181027 3.333928 3.126235
## 3 3.415771 4.492828 4.376314 3.057642 3.950750 3.246748 3.749377 3.431068
## 4 3.508134 5.532416 5.091276 3.140188 3.681205 3.186806 3.560720 3.573857
## 5 4.872602 4.721920 5.544560 3.060770 3.872118 3.089372 3.528873 3.354763
## 6 3.823164 5.112001 5.381004 3.055014 3.600098 3.055226 4.111485 3.075872
##       GAS1    ELA3A   KIF26B     GBP2   POPDC2   OPN1SW      DAP      SRY
## 1 6.734406 3.264758 4.134659 5.868016 3.523604 3.161536 6.463228 3.071553
## 2 6.610936 3.137067 3.371108 6.572171 3.571035 3.234470 7.130915 2.811296
## 3 5.898160 3.177108 3.763395 6.617245 3.626677 3.371202 5.897651 3.065847
## 4 6.546472 3.135440 3.625850 8.128674 3.815497 3.460386 6.283933 3.225709
## 5 7.333761 3.226604 4.205577 6.396803 3.975049 3.113610 7.021223 2.891586
## 6 7.588338 3.106817 4.166533 7.966391 3.437208 3.220461 6.365899 2.915808
##      UTP20   HOXD11   HSPA1L   PPP3CA     PAX2    FZD10   TREML2     CCR7
## 1 6.123138 3.578445 4.035664 6.629685 3.571113 7.959389 3.600410 3.779032
## 2 5.441584 3.509853 4.167603 7.337564 3.859440 8.408041 3.732745 3.666788
## 3 5.106732 3.608324 4.100663 6.832305 3.892738 5.875592 3.673938 3.408387
## 4 5.022666 3.414346 4.096152 6.501051 3.704142 4.673326 3.915832 3.411735
## 5 5.712868 3.910163 4.471145 7.732060 3.589429 4.385718 3.745363 3.427102
## 6 5.259647 3.452583 4.209783 8.355183 8.173988 9.485458 3.640250 3.909681
##        MPZ   MGAT4C    EHMT1     ALG8    KCNN2     ESR2     TGM2      LBP
## 1 3.347113 3.262756 3.332088 6.711518 3.427246 3.033150 4.445288 3.416204
## 2 3.159607 3.151684 3.515331 7.444677 3.156577 3.292847 4.931456 3.333844
## 3 3.550646 3.245773 3.129334 7.272591 3.279558 3.173689 4.736734 3.374328
## 4 3.444858 3.258214 3.111921 8.033669 3.225018 3.266501 4.160638 3.424529
## 5 3.603284 3.324066 3.611812 7.236755 3.572769 3.134702 7.856202 3.224660
## 6 3.183013 3.079606 3.206733 7.168507 3.130631 3.158874 4.431019 3.198542
##      SRPK3   FBXO40   ANGPT2     IRF5    ANXA4  DENND2D     SGEF
## 1 3.540970 3.445100 3.570261 4.063981 7.435274 6.749716 3.464290
## 2 3.566586 3.487669 4.707569 3.861587 8.507906 5.462768 3.347701
## 3 4.332254 3.986397 3.722016 4.501815 6.217415 6.341208 3.404718
## 4 4.359996 3.629891 4.121320 4.103739 7.890721 7.577159 3.334543
## 5 3.798010 3.375658 4.775442 3.837081 8.370533 6.645085 3.440538
## 6 3.683951 3.462665 3.712975 4.081843 7.568210 7.670845 3.410655

And the matrix for the time and status is given by:

data.time.status<-read.table("./timestatus.txt",dec = ",", header = TRUE)
##   time status
## 1 1336      1
## 2 1247      1
## 3   55      1
## 4 1495      0
## 5   61      1
## 6 1418      0

4.1 Survival analysis

The Cox’s proportional hazard was performed in all variables.

4.1.1 Cox Regression model

Let’s start the analysis for the Cox regression model.


Fit the Cox proportional hazards to the dataset.

fit.cox.all63<-coxph(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival63)
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~ 
##     ., data = data.survival63)
##             coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z       p
## HPCA     -1.1893    0.3044   0.3560 -3.34 0.00083
## UBE2J1   -0.2160    0.8057   0.1475 -1.46 0.14309
## RPS6KA2   0.2972    1.3461   0.1124  2.64 0.00818
## SDF2L1   -0.2025    0.8167   0.1024 -1.98 0.04803
## GRB7      0.3360    1.3994   0.0965  3.48 0.00050
## PTGFR     1.1771    3.2449   0.4891  2.41 0.01610
## ABCD2     2.1329    8.4396   0.7532  2.83 0.00463
## FLJ20323  0.2936    1.3412   0.1322  2.22 0.02638
## WDR76     1.1471    3.1489   0.3040  3.77 0.00016
## NDUFA3    0.3454    1.4125   0.1352  2.56 0.01061
## FJX1     -0.1945    0.8232   0.0987 -1.97 0.04875
## GAPDHS    0.8798    2.4105   0.5092  1.73 0.08404
## RAB40B   -0.1852    0.8310   0.0833 -2.22 0.02625
## PRR16    -0.4071    0.6656   0.1887 -2.16 0.03099
## CLTCL1    0.3730    1.4521   0.2601  1.43 0.15146
## PPM2C     0.3999    1.4917   0.1005  3.98 7.0e-05
## FOXE3    -0.8118    0.4441   0.5080 -1.60 0.11004
## CHIT1    -0.9427    0.3896   0.2741 -3.44 0.00058
## PI3       0.2450    1.2776   0.0466  5.26 1.5e-07
## BNC1      0.1648    1.1791   0.0693  2.38 0.01737
## D4S234E  -0.1471    0.8632   0.0606 -2.43 0.01528
## SAPS2     0.8055    2.2379   0.2158  3.73 0.00019
## CSNK1G1   0.8805    2.4122   0.3858  2.28 0.02245
## MLL2      1.0106    2.7471   0.4972  2.03 0.04210
## HSPB7     0.6657    1.9459   0.3540  1.88 0.06003
## SLC37A4  -0.2538    0.7759   0.1635 -1.55 0.12051
## WTAP      0.5562    1.7440   0.1590  3.50 0.00047
## SSTR1    -1.7443    0.1748   0.6359 -2.74 0.00609
## IDUA      1.4248    4.1569   0.4480  3.18 0.00147
## PSG3     -2.1008    0.1224   0.7371 -2.85 0.00437
## SLC9A2    0.3374    1.4014   0.1267  2.66 0.00772
## PAPOLG    1.8006    6.0530   0.4837  3.72 0.00020
## GAS1      0.2589    1.2954   0.0861  3.01 0.00265
## ELA3A    -0.4516    0.6366   0.2360 -1.91 0.05572
## KIF26B    0.9000    2.4597   0.2329  3.86 0.00011
## GBP2     -0.3527    0.7028   0.0935 -3.77 0.00016
## POPDC2   -3.0285    0.0484   0.4894 -6.19 6.1e-10
## OPN1SW    2.3693   10.6894   0.5099  4.65 3.4e-06
## DAP      -0.7017    0.4957   0.1333 -5.26 1.4e-07
## SRY      -2.3810    0.0925   0.7835 -3.04 0.00238
## UTP20     0.3955    1.4851   0.1553  2.55 0.01085
## HOXD11    0.8313    2.2963   0.2268  3.67 0.00025
## HSPA1L    0.3765    1.4572   0.1828  2.06 0.03946
## PPP3CA    0.3213    1.3790   0.1113  2.89 0.00390
## PAX2     -0.2296    0.7948   0.0899 -2.56 0.01061
## FZD10    -0.0994    0.9054   0.0553 -1.80 0.07201
## TREML2   -0.6339    0.5305   0.4228 -1.50 0.13385
## CCR7     -0.6175    0.5393   0.2637 -2.34 0.01920
## MPZ       0.8243    2.2802   0.2329  3.54 0.00040
## MGAT4C    1.1627    3.1987   0.6331  1.84 0.06628
## EHMT1     1.8125    6.1258   0.4705  3.85 0.00012
## ALG8     -0.2209    0.8018   0.1067 -2.07 0.03852
## KCNN2    -1.1298    0.3231   0.3040 -3.72 0.00020
## ESR2     -2.6987    0.0673   1.0408 -2.59 0.00951
## TGM2     -0.2265    0.7973   0.1370 -1.65 0.09818
## LBP       1.0330    2.8095   0.2216  4.66 3.1e-06
## SRPK3    -0.7770    0.4598   0.2074 -3.75 0.00018
## FBXO40    1.4431    4.2336   0.5331  2.71 0.00679
## ANGPT2   -0.3112    0.7326   0.1571 -1.98 0.04768
## IRF5     -0.8805    0.4146   0.3143 -2.80 0.00508
## ANXA4     0.2854    1.3303   0.1191  2.40 0.01655
## DENND2D  -0.2540    0.7757   0.1053 -2.41 0.01588
## SGEF     -1.4599    0.2323   0.6064 -2.41 0.01606
## Likelihood ratio test=533  on 63 df, p=0
## n= 517, number of events= 284

Next, see if the hypothesis of proportional hazards is not violated. By the results obtained, the proportional hazards hypothesis is not violated.

pph63<-cox.zph(fit.cox.all63, transform="km", global=TRUE)
##                rho    chisq       p
## HPCA      0.071903 1.70e+00 0.19170
## UBE2J1    0.022667 1.59e-01 0.69005
## RPS6KA2  -0.044125 7.34e-01 0.39169
## SDF2L1   -0.085277 2.58e+00 0.10829
## GRB7     -0.000351 4.23e-05 0.99481
## PTGFR     0.032263 3.74e-01 0.54084
## ABCD2     0.009111 2.79e-02 0.86729
## FLJ20323 -0.036833 4.49e-01 0.50291
## WDR76    -0.062116 1.61e+00 0.20436
## NDUFA3   -0.019034 1.29e-01 0.71991
## FJX1      0.089980 2.55e+00 0.10997
## GAPDHS    0.040006 6.19e-01 0.43145
## RAB40B    0.006540 1.46e-02 0.90382
## PRR16    -0.012644 4.73e-02 0.82784
## CLTCL1   -0.017146 1.06e-01 0.74504
## PPM2C     0.041147 5.89e-01 0.44263
## FOXE3    -0.083166 2.73e+00 0.09843
## CHIT1    -0.042271 7.69e-01 0.38063
## PI3       0.077881 2.07e+00 0.15005
## BNC1     -0.101654 3.97e+00 0.04632
## D4S234E   0.052414 9.98e-01 0.31787
## SAPS2     0.080843 2.29e+00 0.13028
## CSNK1G1  -0.073134 1.95e+00 0.16207
## MLL2     -0.007162 1.81e-02 0.89284
## HSPB7     0.064591 1.59e+00 0.20729
## SLC37A4   0.086254 2.50e+00 0.11406
## WTAP      0.089494 3.03e+00 0.08163
## SSTR1    -0.040066 6.38e-01 0.42461
## IDUA      0.001408 8.58e-04 0.97663
## PSG3     -0.012891 5.52e-02 0.81431
## SLC9A2    0.033349 4.40e-01 0.50720
## PAPOLG    0.023907 1.98e-01 0.65631
## GAS1     -0.018127 1.04e-01 0.74728
## ELA3A    -0.195070 7.62e+00 0.00577
## KIF26B    0.061480 1.23e+00 0.26745
## GBP2      0.007471 2.06e-02 0.88587
## POPDC2   -0.008589 3.10e-02 0.86033
## OPN1SW    0.155674 8.57e+00 0.00342
## DAP       0.016182 1.04e-01 0.74701
## SRY       0.128577 6.47e+00 0.01100
## UTP20     0.083617 2.61e+00 0.10602
## HOXD11   -0.011061 4.92e-02 0.82444
## HSPA1L   -0.115232 5.22e+00 0.02233
## PPP3CA   -0.017258 9.30e-02 0.76043
## PAX2     -0.040967 6.22e-01 0.43014
## FZD10    -0.065230 1.60e+00 0.20657
## TREML2   -0.114341 5.30e+00 0.02131
## CCR7     -0.086059 2.35e+00 0.12530
## MPZ      -0.042250 7.29e-01 0.39334
## MGAT4C   -0.031590 3.38e-01 0.56114
## EHMT1     0.044085 7.31e-01 0.39253
## ALG8     -0.029398 3.14e-01 0.57529
## KCNN2    -0.084013 2.11e+00 0.14598
## ESR2     -0.005835 1.41e-02 0.90564
## TGM2      0.057214 1.60e+00 0.20635
## LBP       0.032140 3.21e-01 0.57107
## SRPK3    -0.040415 5.20e-01 0.47087
## FBXO40    0.023502 2.07e-01 0.64916
## ANGPT2    0.010703 4.12e-02 0.83922
## IRF5     -0.012002 5.13e-02 0.82085
## ANXA4    -0.094494 4.44e+00 0.03504
## DENND2D  -0.005022 9.23e-03 0.92345
## SGEF     -0.120777 5.37e+00 0.02051
## GLOBAL          NA 7.25e+01 0.19319

Genes not significant: TGM2, MGAT4C, TREML2, FZD10, ELA3A, SLC37A4, HSPB7, FOXE3, CLTCL1, GAPDHS, UBE2J1.

4.1.2 Cox Robust

In order to see if the results obtained before are consistent, a robust version of the Cox regression model is going to be performed. First call the following package.


To see the results obtained by fitting the robust Cox using exponential weights with a 5% level of trimming, do the following:

fit.coxrobust63<-coxr(Surv(data.time.status$time,data.time.status$status) ~ .,data=data.survival63,trunc=0.95, f.weight="exponential",singular.ok=T,model=F)
## Call:
## coxr(formula = Surv(data.time.status$time, data.time.status$status) ~     ., data = data.survival63, trunc = 0.95, f.weight = "exponential",     singular.ok = T, model = F)
## Partial likelihood estimator
##             coef exp(coef) se(coef)        p
## HPCA     -1.1909    0.3040   0.3561 8.24e-04
## UBE2J1   -0.2152    0.8064   0.1475 1.45e-01
## RPS6KA2   0.2968    1.3455   0.1125 8.34e-03
## SDF2L1   -0.2022    0.8170   0.1024 4.85e-02
## GRB7      0.3354    1.3985   0.0966 5.15e-04
## PTGFR     1.1720    3.2283   0.4893 1.66e-02
## ABCD2     2.1278    8.3967   0.7533 4.73e-03
## FLJ20323  0.2938    1.3416   0.1322 2.62e-02
## WDR76     1.1474    3.1499   0.3041 1.61e-04
## NDUFA3    0.3464    1.4139   0.1352 1.04e-02
## FJX1     -0.1942    0.8235   0.0987 4.91e-02
## GAPDHS    0.8798    2.4105   0.5093 8.41e-02
## RAB40B   -0.1850    0.8311   0.0833 2.64e-02
## PRR16    -0.4090    0.6643   0.1889 3.03e-02
## CLTCL1    0.3740    1.4535   0.2600 1.50e-01
## PPM2C     0.3991    1.4905   0.1005 7.17e-05
## FOXE3    -0.8103    0.4447   0.5083 1.11e-01
## CHIT1    -0.9426    0.3896   0.2742 5.86e-04
## PI3       0.2451    1.2777   0.0466 1.48e-07
## BNC1      0.1649    1.1792   0.0693 1.73e-02
## D4S234E  -0.1470    0.8633   0.0606 1.54e-02
## SAPS2     0.8059    2.2388   0.2158 1.88e-04
## CSNK1G1   0.8846    2.4221   0.3858 2.19e-02
## MLL2      1.0076    2.7390   0.4972 4.27e-02
## HSPB7     0.6667    1.9478   0.3537 5.95e-02
## SLC37A4  -0.2540    0.7757   0.1635 1.20e-01
## WTAP      0.5547    1.7414   0.1590 4.85e-04
## SSTR1    -1.7466    0.1744   0.6363 6.05e-03
## IDUA      1.4232    4.1505   0.4479 1.49e-03
## PSG3     -2.1078    0.1215   0.7373 4.25e-03
## SLC9A2    0.3381    1.4023   0.1267 7.59e-03
## PAPOLG    1.8011    6.0564   0.4837 1.96e-04
## GAS1      0.2591    1.2958   0.0861 2.63e-03
## ELA3A    -0.4500    0.6376   0.2361 5.66e-02
## KIF26B    0.8986    2.4561   0.2330 1.15e-04
## GBP2     -0.3523    0.7030   0.0935 1.64e-04
## POPDC2   -3.0265    0.0485   0.4894 6.26e-10
## OPN1SW    2.3692   10.6889   0.5101 3.40e-06
## DAP      -0.7013    0.4959   0.1333 1.43e-07
## SRY      -2.3796    0.0926   0.7837 2.39e-03
## UTP20     0.3940    1.4829   0.1553 1.12e-02
## HOXD11    0.8369    2.3092   0.2273 2.32e-04
## HSPA1L    0.3766    1.4574   0.1828 3.94e-02
## PPP3CA    0.3217    1.3795   0.1113 3.86e-03
## PAX2     -0.2302    0.7944   0.0899 1.04e-02
## FZD10    -0.0994    0.9054   0.0552 7.20e-02
## TREML2   -0.6305    0.5323   0.4228 1.36e-01
## CCR7     -0.6191    0.5384   0.2638 1.89e-02
## MPZ       0.8266    2.2855   0.2329 3.86e-04
## MGAT4C    1.1617    3.1955   0.6332 6.66e-02
## EHMT1     1.8092    6.1055   0.4706 1.21e-04
## ALG8     -0.2219    0.8010   0.1068 3.77e-02
## KCNN2    -1.1281    0.3237   0.3042 2.08e-04
## ESR2     -2.7090    0.0666   1.0408 9.25e-03
## TGM2     -0.2265    0.7973   0.1370 9.82e-02
## LBP       1.0327    2.8086   0.2216 3.15e-06
## SRPK3    -0.7757    0.4604   0.2074 1.85e-04
## FBXO40    1.4477    4.2534   0.5332 6.63e-03
## ANGPT2   -0.3122    0.7319   0.1571 4.69e-02
## IRF5     -0.8836    0.4133   0.3143 4.93e-03
## ANXA4     0.2858    1.3308   0.1191 1.64e-02
## DENND2D  -0.2547    0.7752   0.1053 1.56e-02
## SGEF     -1.4636    0.2314   0.6065 1.58e-02
## Wald test=379 on 63 df, p=0
## Robust estimator
##             coef exp(coef) se(coef)        p
## HPCA     -1.1803    0.3072   0.5877 0.044598
## UBE2J1   -0.2221    0.8008   0.2676 0.406408
## RPS6KA2   0.3892    1.4758   0.1408 0.005719
## SDF2L1   -0.2003    0.8185   0.1203 0.095856
## GRB7      0.3268    1.3865   0.1115 0.003370
## PTGFR     1.0255    2.7885   0.6001 0.087466
## ABCD2     2.3397   10.3778   1.1928 0.049827
## FLJ20323  0.2696    1.3095   0.1480 0.068506
## WDR76     1.1701    3.2224   0.5071 0.021036
## NDUFA3    0.4128    1.5111   0.1633 0.011454
## FJX1     -0.2867    0.7507   0.1616 0.075969
## GAPDHS    0.9733    2.6466   0.6198 0.116338
## RAB40B   -0.2219    0.8010   0.1404 0.114028
## PRR16    -0.3362    0.7145   0.2740 0.219788
## CLTCL1    0.4470    1.5637   0.3452 0.195349
## PPM2C     0.4173    1.5179   0.2192 0.056928
## FOXE3    -0.5162    0.5968   0.6139 0.400476
## CHIT1    -0.9042    0.4049   0.4674 0.053073
## PI3       0.2305    1.2593   0.1083 0.033262
## BNC1      0.1830    1.2008   0.0847 0.030715
## D4S234E  -0.1645    0.8484   0.0767 0.031932
## SAPS2     0.8342    2.3030   0.6100 0.171411
## CSNK1G1   1.0782    2.9393   0.4489 0.016327
## MLL2      1.3137    3.7200   0.8978 0.143397
## HSPB7     0.5092    1.6640   0.4368 0.243702
## SLC37A4  -0.3065    0.7360   0.2269 0.176835
## WTAP      0.5607    1.7519   0.3265 0.085950
## SSTR1    -1.7979    0.1657   0.7908 0.023001
## IDUA      1.4354    4.2013   0.8810 0.103237
## PSG3     -2.3029    0.1000   0.8579 0.007265
## SLC9A2    0.3185    1.3751   0.1677 0.057516
## PAPOLG    1.7430    5.7142   0.9548 0.067923
## GAS1      0.2756    1.3173   0.1380 0.045798
## ELA3A    -0.4692    0.6255   1.1530 0.684023
## KIF26B    0.8508    2.3416   0.4996 0.088586
## GBP2     -0.3718    0.6895   0.1924 0.053247
## POPDC2   -2.7792    0.0621   1.2267 0.023478
## OPN1SW    2.1049    8.2061   1.0821 0.051762
## DAP      -0.6959    0.4986   0.2120 0.001031
## SRY      -2.4342    0.0877   1.0015 0.015077
## UTP20     0.4170    1.5174   0.2133 0.050553
## HOXD11    0.7056    2.0250   0.2897 0.014866
## HSPA1L    0.4634    1.5895   0.2344 0.048014
## PPP3CA    0.3294    1.3901   0.1262 0.009068
## PAX2     -0.2373    0.7888   0.2193 0.279162
## FZD10    -0.0801    0.9230   0.0748 0.284130
## TREML2   -0.6043    0.5464   0.5415 0.264440
## CCR7     -0.5713    0.5648   0.4291 0.183019
## MPZ       0.7611    2.1406   0.3173 0.016444
## MGAT4C    1.0216    2.7777   0.6915 0.139567
## EHMT1     1.5360    4.6458   1.0943 0.160442
## ALG8     -0.1276    0.8802   0.1482 0.389379
## KCNN2    -1.1903    0.3041   1.0630 0.262830
## ESR2     -2.4160    0.0893   1.7091 0.157479
## TGM2     -0.1904    0.8266   0.2393 0.426215
## LBP       0.9934    2.7004   0.2712 0.000249
## SRPK3    -0.8033    0.4479   0.4268 0.059855
## FBXO40    1.3587    3.8911   0.7145 0.057218
## ANGPT2   -0.3140    0.7305   0.1849 0.089417
## IRF5     -0.8175    0.4415   0.5146 0.112125
## ANXA4     0.2839    1.3283   0.1674 0.089973
## DENND2D  -0.2419    0.7851   0.1388 0.081284
## SGEF     -1.4272    0.2400   0.8081 0.077366
## Extended Wald test=142 on 63 df, p=4.91e-08

4.1.3 Cox Robust based on Heritier

Another proposal of the robust Cox is given by Heritier (2009), and is going to be performed next.


The fitted model using exponential weights with 5% level of trimming is given bellow.

##             estimate         SE         z p.value
## HPCA     -1.16622632 0.33872023 -3.443037 0.00057
## UBE2J1   -0.22197365 0.13635663 -1.627890 0.10354
## RPS6KA2   0.39800725 0.12013505  3.312998 0.00092
## SDF2L1   -0.19786824 0.10167639 -1.946059 0.05164
## GRB7      0.32724594 0.08732137  3.747604 0.00017
## PTGFR     1.01309469 0.48986801  2.068097 0.03863
## ABCD2     2.35641347 0.78601672  2.997918 0.00271
## FLJ20323  0.26542245 0.12505088  2.122516 0.03379
## WDR76     1.16954351 0.33871131  3.452921 0.00055
## NDUFA3    0.41302078 0.12892646  3.203538 0.00135
## FJX1     -0.29338240 0.10227710 -2.868505 0.00412
## GAPDHS    0.99289587 0.55173576  1.799586 0.07192
## RAB40B   -0.22318385 0.08377256 -2.664164 0.00771
## PRR16    -0.33674991 0.18630099 -1.807558 0.07067
## CLTCL1    0.43537045 0.28174096  1.545286 0.12227
## PPM2C     0.41604251 0.10265212  4.052936 0.00005
## FOXE3    -0.51292497 0.47058113 -1.089982 0.27572
## CHIT1    -0.91018751 0.35841391 -2.539487 0.01110
## PI3       0.23101345 0.04431142  5.213407 0.00000
## BNC1      0.18372409 0.07309222  2.513593 0.01195
## D4S234E  -0.16641324 0.06357115 -2.617748 0.00885
## SAPS2     0.83454099 0.21327881  3.912911 0.00009
## CSNK1G1   1.08739509 0.39012329  2.787311 0.00531
## MLL2      1.32554186 0.51691291  2.564343 0.01033
## HSPB7     0.50042064 0.35262795  1.419118 0.15586
## SLC37A4  -0.31415363 0.16527507 -1.900793 0.05732
## WTAP      0.55986797 0.15632539  3.581427 0.00034
## SSTR1    -1.80387371 0.67103818 -2.688183 0.00718
## IDUA      1.44465756 0.47135596  3.064897 0.00217
## PSG3     -2.29976082 0.76730695 -2.997185 0.00272
## SLC9A2    0.31791252 0.13112309  2.424535 0.01532
## PAPOLG    1.74448080 0.46227442  3.773691 0.00016
## GAS1      0.27853812 0.08540026  3.261561 0.00110
## ELA3A    -0.47146611 0.22662022 -2.080424 0.03748
## KIF26B    0.85017969 0.22985926  3.698697 0.00021
## GBP2     -0.37493182 0.09593794 -3.908066 0.00009
## POPDC2   -2.76747370 0.52140100 -5.307764 0.00000
## OPN1SW    2.11401127 0.50873426  4.155433 0.00003
## DAP      -0.69571634 0.13071918 -5.322221 0.00000
## SRY      -2.43819437 0.74968869 -3.252276 0.00114
## UTP20     0.41854495 0.15890859  2.633872 0.00844
## HOXD11    0.70474597 0.21470671  3.282366 0.00102
## HSPA1L    0.46453504 0.22070414  2.104786 0.03530
## PPP3CA    0.33156717 0.10189158  3.254118 0.00113
## PAX2     -0.23747698 0.08694116 -2.731468 0.00630
## FZD10    -0.08073319 0.05633465 -1.433100 0.15182
## TREML2   -0.61429369 0.46653054 -1.316728 0.18792
## CCR7     -0.56924372 0.23491797 -2.423160 0.01538
## MPZ       0.76255827 0.20973432  3.635830 0.00027
## MGAT4C    1.01771036 0.53744394  1.893612 0.05827
## EHMT1     1.52203784 0.49780094  3.057523 0.00223
## ALG8     -0.11883017 0.11347863 -1.047159 0.29502
## KCNN2    -1.19094243 0.29159222 -4.084274 0.00004
## ESR2     -2.44468742 1.13877596 -2.146768 0.03181
## TGM2     -0.19071028 0.16670681 -1.143986 0.25262
## LBP       0.99193289 0.24916038  3.981102 0.00006
## SRPK3    -0.80684707 0.19266924 -4.187732 0.00002
## FBXO40    1.35172810 0.55188615  2.449288 0.01431
## ANGPT2   -0.31514272 0.13928297 -2.262608 0.02365
## IRF5     -0.81755457 0.30970174 -2.639813 0.00829
## ANXA4     0.28518507 0.13498489  2.112719 0.03462
## DENND2D  -0.24162579 0.09567723 -2.525426 0.01155
## SGEF     -1.42639779 0.64339524 -2.216985 0.02662

Genes not significant: TGM2, ALG8, MGAT4, TREML2, FZD10, SLC37A4, HSPB7, FOXE3, CLTCL1, PRR16, GAPDHS, SDF2L1, and UBE2J1.

The next figure shows that observations 39 and 350 are identified as influential observations in the sense that the weight given for each one is the lowest among the others.

## [1] 517
##     95% 
## 2.02691
##           39          350          339           43          272 
## 1.289785e+01 5.941177e+00 4.566690e+00 4.474078e+00 4.345782e+00 
##          273          295          341           69          365 
## 4.256226e+00 4.250419e+00 3.566459e+00 3.431834e+00 3.404045e+00 
##          248          279          108          369          268 
## 3.357645e+00 3.183520e+00 3.011988e+00 2.923692e+00 2.683356e+00 
##          250           44          378          290          473 
## 2.592238e+00 2.536464e+00 2.427850e+00 2.328131e+00 2.273566e+00 
##          337          405           24          265          278 
## 2.191573e+00 2.095721e+00 2.092198e+00 2.088154e+00 2.082080e+00 
##           78          233           16          317           14 
## 2.066957e+00 2.016899e+00 2.013385e+00 2.004518e+00 1.900525e+00 
##          209          232          153          115          358 
## 1.895517e+00 1.851810e+00 1.836481e+00 1.805710e+00 1.796177e+00 
##          297           41          206          377          300 
## 1.789163e+00 1.714074e+00 1.693940e+00 1.674309e+00 1.627113e+00 
##           45           86          366          349           19 
## 1.615097e+00 1.592528e+00 1.581628e+00 1.570653e+00 1.539535e+00 
##          314          331          355          345          152 
## 1.531594e+00 1.506935e+00 1.465830e+00 1.443678e+00 1.432534e+00 
##          321          409          381          160           80 
## 1.425099e+00 1.391088e+00 1.357887e+00 1.318417e+00 1.312022e+00 
##          110          332          412          474          303 
## 1.310220e+00 1.293831e+00 1.290824e+00 1.289304e+00 1.284000e+00 
##          417          313           36           26           81 
## 1.279865e+00 1.270800e+00 1.247087e+00 1.237506e+00 1.230970e+00 
##          251          380          457          253          319 
## 1.219642e+00 1.219610e+00 1.218025e+00 1.208556e+00 1.207990e+00 
##           87           88          301           25          348 
## 1.199178e+00 1.197348e+00 1.194478e+00 1.171263e+00 1.166377e+00 
##          222          260          114          123           27 
## 1.145530e+00 1.145043e+00 1.127157e+00 1.126968e+00 1.124387e+00 
##          422          192           83          453           12 
## 1.109546e+00 1.108285e+00 1.106750e+00 1.106037e+00 1.097258e+00 
##          338          298           40          385          223 
## 1.093671e+00 1.078016e+00 1.077149e+00 1.048582e+00 1.047658e+00 
##          416          122          267          127           95 
## 1.041059e+00 1.037407e+00 1.035272e+00 1.016661e+00 9.993749e-01 
##          164          360          469          264          151 
## 9.970202e-01 9.930402e-01 9.771552e-01 9.631812e-01 9.527151e-01 
##           71          388          203          335           67 
## 9.361898e-01 9.327829e-01 9.232406e-01 9.174330e-01 9.067274e-01 
##          305          343           55          191          261 
## 8.835470e-01 8.724182e-01 8.496363e-01 8.413358e-01 8.379930e-01 
##          304           46          484           64          113 
## 8.317245e-01 8.252278e-01 7.997662e-01 7.879106e-01 7.845275e-01 
##          327          418          374          270          512 
## 7.798869e-01 7.738846e-01 7.736948e-01 7.696560e-01 7.678123e-01 
##          215          216           42          266          411 
## 7.657394e-01 7.622131e-01 7.610296e-01 7.411642e-01 7.314879e-01 
##           76          356           29          306           47 
## 7.272586e-01 7.091227e-01 7.088392e-01 7.019830e-01 6.966211e-01 
##          307          254          515          420          271 
## 6.964469e-01 6.915177e-01 6.909191e-01 6.859249e-01 6.801948e-01 
##          370          368          407          511          275 
## 6.801030e-01 6.735568e-01 6.720299e-01 6.699517e-01 6.676514e-01 
##           34          323          336          158            8 
## 6.584570e-01 6.478567e-01 6.475325e-01 6.460302e-01 6.457108e-01 
##          101          121           37          184          361 
## 6.456865e-01 6.380556e-01 6.299886e-01 6.287476e-01 6.221448e-01 
##          116           33          353          414          362 
## 6.155729e-01 6.108671e-01 6.043993e-01 5.937781e-01 5.870668e-01 
##          347           35          410          219          322 
## 5.811617e-01 5.797209e-01 5.774448e-01 5.703734e-01 5.694484e-01 
##          513          488          269          159          451 
## 5.635761e-01 5.474834e-01 5.437007e-01 5.431879e-01 5.415333e-01 
##          423          210          329          166          383 
## 5.371701e-01 5.329456e-01 5.308469e-01 5.273212e-01 5.246655e-01 
##           28            1          299          330          382 
## 5.212948e-01 5.195410e-01 5.156996e-01 5.148836e-01 5.130955e-01 
##           31          354          258           13          318 
## 5.115056e-01 5.105101e-01 5.103129e-01 5.094924e-01 5.035039e-01 
##          249          274          391          434          517 
## 5.028831e-01 4.962681e-01 4.926995e-01 4.923046e-01 4.918393e-01 
##          311          352           59          479          157 
## 4.901071e-01 4.857532e-01 4.828659e-01 4.782264e-01 4.721636e-01 
##            9          467          178          462           90 
## 4.712663e-01 4.660491e-01 4.633622e-01 4.629928e-01 4.629761e-01 
##          292          277           30           85          471 
## 4.501858e-01 4.467523e-01 4.466268e-01 4.442123e-01 4.434989e-01 
##           32          455          371          425          363 
## 4.388804e-01 4.296665e-01 4.292088e-01 4.208570e-01 4.172407e-01 
##          470           75          281          486          117 
## 4.152663e-01 4.092794e-01 4.064204e-01 4.042868e-01 4.039281e-01 
##          444          454          169          326          156 
## 3.955210e-01 3.873290e-01 3.865282e-01 3.865215e-01 3.836272e-01 
##           58           79          436          442          218 
## 3.834558e-01 3.759043e-01 3.655086e-01 3.638546e-01 3.615239e-01 
##           68          489          263          247          282 
## 3.594681e-01 3.567044e-01 3.462396e-01 3.430895e-01 3.396468e-01 
##          450          197          196          424          344 
## 3.382341e-01 3.373904e-01 3.369387e-01 3.353895e-01 3.322561e-01 
##          302           98          231          426          419 
## 3.243362e-01 3.233093e-01 3.221761e-01 3.195252e-01 3.155706e-01 
##          220           20          211          504           18 
## 3.123591e-01 3.118382e-01 3.069046e-01 3.052329e-01 3.016448e-01 
##          375          333          320          186          445 
## 3.003678e-01 3.001493e-01 2.974490e-01 2.969349e-01 2.940763e-01 
##          340          246          392          351          239 
## 2.874401e-01 2.872407e-01 2.849648e-01 2.846389e-01 2.805424e-01 
##           91           92          112          293           21 
## 2.741814e-01 2.738649e-01 2.729842e-01 2.701214e-01 2.676243e-01 
##          181          130          259          433          324 
## 2.660249e-01 2.658974e-01 2.658515e-01 2.652509e-01 2.648319e-01 
##          395           38          200          309          214 
## 2.633741e-01 2.631171e-01 2.626749e-01 2.612198e-01 2.610601e-01 
##          379          342           84           93          207 
## 2.571706e-01 2.532388e-01 2.510352e-01 2.472676e-01 2.356501e-01 
##          373          325          308          449           11 
## 2.283608e-01 2.266869e-01 2.255553e-01 2.219878e-01 2.200913e-01 
##          481           77          125          404          440 
## 2.147775e-01 2.127055e-01 2.115922e-01 2.111357e-01 2.086404e-01 
##           22          111           74          102          225 
## 1.998104e-01 1.965756e-01 1.917386e-01 1.896574e-01 1.823087e-01 
##          276          201          463          431          294 
## 1.774073e-01 1.762347e-01 1.728273e-01 1.727096e-01 1.677055e-01 
##          165          452          188          137          109 
## 1.621734e-01 1.620221e-01 1.600438e-01 1.567682e-01 1.547583e-01 
##          393          359          376          514          134 
## 1.513106e-01 1.511921e-01 1.490104e-01 1.477868e-01 1.446182e-01 
##          406          439          170           10           61 
## 1.443063e-01 1.389633e-01 1.378339e-01 1.374404e-01 1.345527e-01 
##          510           66          390          389          195 
## 1.341700e-01 1.315199e-01 1.313973e-01 1.287273e-01 1.235663e-01 
##          161          124           62          118          387 
## 1.200770e-01 1.156176e-01 1.144157e-01 1.130424e-01 1.127118e-01 
##          384          396          466          448          252 
## 1.117937e-01 1.115386e-01 1.110704e-01 1.089667e-01 1.085759e-01 
##          168           23          372          227          491 
## 1.063278e-01 1.057388e-01 1.055172e-01 1.046080e-01 1.037351e-01 
##          516          226          133          244          242 
## 1.035697e-01 1.030335e-01 1.027054e-01 1.009223e-01 9.999116e-02 
##          465          154          119          280          120 
## 9.678823e-02 9.404635e-02 9.390136e-02 9.262623e-02 9.157983e-02 
##          367          485          142           82           51 
## 9.006548e-02 8.972990e-02 8.887358e-02 8.794243e-02 8.524741e-02 
##           15          386          429          483          402 
## 8.463694e-02 8.377308e-02 8.258865e-02 8.121282e-02 8.060956e-02 
##          447          126          104          506            6 
## 7.954023e-02 7.654304e-02 7.524561e-02 7.282096e-02 6.968982e-02 
##          131          235          100          441          221 
## 6.658392e-02 6.629441e-02 6.490592e-02 6.469469e-02 6.345269e-02 
##           48          490          179          193          312 
## 6.305217e-02 6.290791e-02 6.230511e-02 6.050063e-02 5.848645e-02 
##          475          472          427          229          291 
## 5.690375e-02 5.584321e-02 5.560061e-02 5.296074e-02 5.291804e-02 
##          497          194          394          146          148 
## 5.208037e-02 5.113587e-02 5.098414e-02 4.995719e-02 4.954843e-02 
##          328          400          144           70          228 
## 4.936462e-02 4.796318e-02 4.748894e-02 4.542258e-02 4.263673e-02 
##          204           63          185          364            2 
## 4.203220e-02 4.166999e-02 4.142942e-02 4.128594e-02 4.055834e-02 
##          507           73          190          437          132 
## 4.033229e-02 3.986836e-02 3.875513e-02 3.759946e-02 3.731803e-02 
##          482          509          128           99           49 
## 3.657675e-02 3.501363e-02 3.496439e-02 3.453570e-02 3.300389e-02 
##          224          502          487          230          107 
## 3.291838e-02 3.268272e-02 3.236456e-02 3.232057e-02 3.226762e-02 
##          189          155          288           17          399 
## 3.059393e-02 2.949912e-02 2.945011e-02 2.943371e-02 2.848512e-02 
##           60          499          172          413          476 
## 2.807344e-02 2.719192e-02 2.623792e-02 2.616413e-02 2.614029e-02 
##          438          397          495          262          501 
## 2.610027e-02 2.604893e-02 2.542500e-02 2.498286e-02 2.384125e-02 
##          256          428          149          435          237 
## 2.306278e-02 2.265758e-02 2.256926e-02 2.255534e-02 2.243448e-02 
##          171          286          284          208           94 
## 2.235890e-02 2.213896e-02 2.210648e-02 2.203477e-02 2.176704e-02 
##          315          162          498          468           52 
## 2.161883e-02 2.067231e-02 2.020311e-02 1.882185e-02 1.699050e-02 
##          334          176          140          163          182 
## 1.684138e-02 1.572363e-02 1.511245e-02 1.439591e-02 1.424378e-02 
##          458            4          187          205          217 
## 1.412105e-02 1.403704e-02 1.401697e-02 1.397553e-02 1.396335e-02 
##          199          198            3          430           56 
## 1.359281e-02 1.332709e-02 1.286647e-02 1.249954e-02 1.237091e-02 
##          143          289          508          141          446 
## 1.227706e-02 1.203028e-02 1.167822e-02 1.131676e-02 1.091005e-02 
##          398          496            5          213           54 
## 1.087910e-02 9.805449e-03 9.260861e-03 9.179401e-03 7.723550e-03 
##          316          103          456          129          283 
## 7.364599e-03 7.300803e-03 7.245051e-03 6.949101e-03 6.426964e-03 
##          346            7          106          296          310 
## 6.297105e-03 6.227302e-03 6.170367e-03 5.828357e-03 5.783101e-03 
##          408          212          236          500          202 
## 5.551398e-03 5.527310e-03 5.450012e-03 5.148595e-03 5.122765e-03 
##           89          147           97          150          138 
## 5.061371e-03 5.004474e-03 4.924429e-03 4.694662e-03 4.658639e-03 
##          505          494           53          464           50 
## 4.513295e-03 4.441896e-03 4.441021e-03 4.244607e-03 4.205156e-03 
##          357          177          460          167          240 
## 4.114011e-03 3.882350e-03 3.852471e-03 3.615102e-03 3.538284e-03 
##          443          135           72          421          238 
## 3.389723e-03 3.307002e-03 3.261432e-03 3.140838e-03 3.042604e-03 
##          245          234          415          478          480 
## 2.862560e-03 2.846375e-03 2.823940e-03 2.755498e-03 2.705472e-03 
##           96          257          105          174          255 
## 2.651881e-03 2.577245e-03 2.473354e-03 2.034680e-03 1.930886e-03 
##          492          173          287          461          503 
## 1.917332e-03 1.874464e-03 1.783888e-03 1.552289e-03 1.468761e-03 
##          403           57           65          285          243 
## 1.437597e-03 1.078866e-03 1.029256e-03 9.111686e-04 8.727815e-04 
##          139          477          241          401          145 
## 7.829774e-04 7.783785e-04 7.523448e-04 7.317293e-04 7.300649e-04 
##          432          180          175          136          183 
## 7.251017e-04 7.066629e-04 6.837928e-04 5.030147e-04 4.460208e-04 
##          459          493 
## 3.514624e-04 2.667121e-04

In the next section it is going to be evaluated if the observations identified before are or not influential.

4.2 Outlier detection methods for survival analisys

In order to identify which of the observations might be outliers the martingale residual is going to be performed. Martingale

The results regarding the martingale residuals are shown bellow. Observations 39 and 350 presented the lowest values for the martingale residual.

res.mart.63<- resid(fit.cox.all63,type="martingale")

##        39       350       295       339       273        69 
## -4.284005 -3.153217 -2.672307 -2.643038 -2.585822 -2.481997

5 Rank Product test

In order to obtain a global result concerning each one of the techniques performed in the previous section, a rank product test is going to be used. First a rank matrix is going to be obtained based on the ranks of each outliers detection method.

rank_martingale18<-rank(res.mart.vec18,ties.method = "first")
rank_martingale22<-rank(res.mart.vec22,ties.method = "first")
rank_martingale63<-rank(res.mart.vec63,ties.method = "first")

Now let us obtain based on the ranks above the rank product matrix. First let’s consider a rank matrix, with all the ranks obtained by each method.


In second obtain the rank product, which is obtained based on the input of the rank matrix.

RankProduct = function(rankMat)
  return(apply(rankMat, 1, prod))


5.1 p-values

In order to obtain the p-values the algorithm proposed by Heskes (2014) was used. Notice that the p-values are based on the geometric mean of upper and lower bounds, defined recursively.


The input to obtain the p-values is the following:

  • rho: the rank product matrix;
  • the number of observations, n;
  • the number of methods used, k.

The p-values are obtained by the following, where Delta option is the geometric mean.

pvalues<-as.vector(rankprodbounds(rho,n,k,Delta ='geometric'))

In order to obtain the observations with the lowest p-values we can do the lines:

which(pvalues.matrix<0.01)## pvalues < to 1%
##  [1]  26  44  55  60  69 113 114 115 155 159 210 211 219 220 221 279 295
## [18] 297 314 372 377 407 452 455 516
which(pvalues.matrix<0.05) ## pvalues < to 5%
##  [1]  10  11  15  20  21  22  26  32  39  44  47  48  55  60  61  69 113
## [18] 114 115 117 119 120 123 125 155 159 179 184 210 211 219 220 221 268
## [35] 273 278 279 295 297 301 314 317 350 372 377 382 405 407 426 452 455
## [52] 506 508 513 516

5.2 q-values

Another key issue when performing Rank product tests is related with the multiple testing problem. In fact, since many observations are tested, type-I errors (false positives) will increase.

The FDR, which is the expected proportion of false positives among all tests that are significant, sorts in an ascendant order the p-values and divides them by their percentile rank. The measure used to determine the FDR is the q-value. For the p-value: 0.05 implies that 5% of all tests will result in false positives, instead, for the q-value: 0.05 implies that 5% of significant tests will result in false positives. In this sense the q-value is able to control the number of false discoveries in those tests. For this reason it has the ability of finding truly significant results.

The q-value package must be installed.


Here the only input that is need is the p-values obtained before for each observation.

## integer(0)
## [1]  55 114 211 219 455

In order to resume all the information, let us get an id vector and a data frame that combines the ranks the pvalues and the qvalues.

id<-as.vector(seq(1:n))# vector with the id

Next we can obtain the top 15 outlier observations, with the qvalues sorted in increasing order.

sort.tcga.outliers <- tcga.outliers[order(qvalues) , ]
##      id rank_martingale18 rank_martingale22 rank_martingale63      pvalues
## 114 114                11                 1                25 4.313384e-05
## 55   55                 8                 3                29 1.389582e-04
## 211 211                 5                 2                90 1.879408e-04
## 219 219                 1                32                54 3.955799e-04
## 455 455                 2                13                79 4.793825e-04
## 115 115                14                21                14 1.018179e-03
## 279 279                21                 9                19 8.803098e-04
## 377 377                38                10                15 1.434347e-03
## 452 452                 7                 7               113 1.391558e-03
## 155 155                 9                 4               232 2.127598e-03
## 221 221                 3                16               188 2.302167e-03
## 372 372                 6                 8               155 1.889920e-03
## 516 516                10                 6               147 2.249225e-03
## 26   26                35                 5                58 2.593542e-03
## 69   69                73                29                 6 3.248457e-03
##        qvalues
## 114 0.02230019
## 55  0.03238847
## 211 0.03238847
## 219 0.04956815
## 455 0.04956815
## 115 0.07519983
## 279 0.07519983
## 377 0.08239527
## 452 0.08239527
## 155 0.09155539
## 221 0.09155539
## 372 0.09155539
## 516 0.09155539
## 26  0.09577580
## 69  0.11196350

Notice the observations the with the lowest qvalues lead us to believe that they are influential observations and should taken for further study.

sort.tcga.outliers_time <- tcga_outliers_time[order(qvalues) , ]
##        id        rank_martingale18 rank_martingale22 rank_martingale63
##  [1,] 114 2780 0                11                 1                25
##  [2,]  55 2967 0                 8                 3                29
##  [3,] 211 3953 0                 5                 2                90
##  [4,] 219 3525 0                 1                32                54
##  [5,] 455 3532 0                 2                13                79
##  [6,] 115 2259 0                14                21                14
##  [7,] 279 2688 1                21                 9                19
##  [8,] 377 2078 0                38                10                15
##  [9,] 452 5481 0                 7                 7               113
## [10,] 155 2982 0                 9                 4               232
## [11,] 221 2788 0                 3                16               188
## [12,] 372 3096 0                 6                 8               155
## [13,] 516 3825 0                10                 6               147
## [14,]  26 3622 1                35                 5                58
## [15,]  69 2490 1                73                29                 6
##            pvalues    qvalues
##  [1,] 4.313384e-05 0.02230019
##  [2,] 1.389582e-04 0.03238847
##  [3,] 1.879408e-04 0.03238847
##  [4,] 3.955799e-04 0.04956815
##  [5,] 4.793825e-04 0.04956815
##  [6,] 1.018179e-03 0.07519983
##  [7,] 8.803098e-04 0.07519983
##  [8,] 1.434347e-03 0.08239527
##  [9,] 1.391558e-03 0.08239527
## [10,] 2.127598e-03 0.09155539
## [11,] 2.302167e-03 0.09155539
## [12,] 1.889920e-03 0.09155539
## [13,] 2.249225e-03 0.09155539
## [14,] 2.593542e-03 0.09577580
## [15,] 3.248457e-03 0.11196350