Sampling plans for an inverse Gaussian variable
  Calculates sampling plans, (n, k), for use in acceptance sampling of a given inverse Gaussian variable.
2025.Feb.19 21:07:57
AQL, α both in "%" AQL, α.
LTPD, β both in "%" LTPD, β (10 %).
L Lower Specification Limit.
λ Parameter λ (if known).
  Calculates the sampling plan, ie., n and k, sample size and acceptability constant, for which it will be Qk, with
   Q = (xbarL) ⁄ (xbar rL), with r² = 1⁄(n − 1) × Σ(1⁄xi − 1⁄xbar)
  For λ known and unknown, respectively, it is:
k_lam;     n_lam
with   Z     mu_lam
k = kλ ;     n
References: Plate: IGsp041006

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Created: 2004-10-06 — Last modified: 2009-02-03