Non-central t distribution moments curves
    Draws curves for the moments of non-central t distributions as a function of the sample size.
AQL % AQL (%).
nmin, nmax Sample sizes: minimum (≥ 4) and maximum.
Show values Shows the y's of the curve.
   Draws, from top to bottom, as functions of n: E(T) (→ δ), σ(T), E(T)⁄δ (→ 1).
   The parameter δ is given by δ = −L′ √n (or = U′ √n), with L′=(Lμ) ⁄σ and AQL = Φ(L′).
   A useful relation [Weisstein, 2003: eq. 87] to compute the gamma function for this application is Γ(k+1⁄2) ⁄ Γ(k) ≅ √ k [×1+]. The value Γ(k+1⁄2) is underestimated, but from k=2.5 the error is less than 5% and decreases rapidly.
• Resnikoff & Lieberman, 1957 (see elsewhere)
• Weisstein, E. W., 2003, "Mathworld"
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Created: 2004-04-13 — Last modified: 2007-10-11