Behaviour of a quality index
  Simulates (via Monte Carlo) a quality index and draws a curve of its behaviour.
2024.Jul.03 12:33:05
Distribution: (a)   (b)   (c) Distribution of the quality index variable, and type of the index (see below).
n Sample size.
AQL, α  %    % Acceptable quality level, producer's risk.
ntr, .seed, m 10**  No. of trials (samples), simulation seed (≠ 0 for repeatable), no. of histogram classes.
xrange, ymax ;   Graph's axes ranges (max. ordinate auto. if 0).
Show values Show the graph coordinates.
  Simulates a quality index, Q, from samples of a given random variable via Monte Carlo, and draws a curve (histogram) of its values. The mean is set at μ = 5 (and, if appropriate, σ = 1). The "upper specification limit", U, is calculated to match the specified AQL. The proposed Q 's are:
(a) with_s       (b) with_a       (c) U_ov
For the Gaussian distribution, (a) is always assumed.
• Eric W. Weisstein (Gaussian Distribution). From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
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Created: 2007-04-14 — Last modified: 2018-11-18