Simulation: the inversion transform method
  Simulates one value from a selected probability distribution, for a given or random value, showing the inversion transform method.
2025.Feb.19 21:25:16
Distribution Gauss   triangular [in (μ ± a)] Choose distribution: Gaussian or (symmetrical) triangular.
μ, dispersion Mean and (for G.) σ or (for tri.) a.
rand, x0 Random number and initial guess for the numerical calculation (see below).
.Seed (Non-negative integer) ‘Seed’ for simulation (see below).
  One simulated value, a non-uniform (pseudo-)random number, is calculated from the distribution chosen. The inversion transform method is applied (using the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure).
  For null 'seed', 'rand' is ignored.
  Suggested initial guess: μ. For the triangular, the initial guess must be in (μ ± a).
  For rand = 0.99865 and Gauss, it will be x = μ + 3 σ. (Why ?)
References: Plate sim04a13

• Wagner, Harvey M., 1972, “Principles of Operations Research”, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., London, UK (2.nd ed.).

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Created: 2004-10-13 — Last modified: 2008-02-16