Shortest path
  Finds the shortest path via Dijkstra's algorithm.
2025.Feb.19 21:36:44
Symmetry ? Graph symmetry (Is di,j = dj,i ?). •
Distances (integer).

 no tabs, no returns (commas optional). •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest paths to each node, showing the shortest distance from node 1 to every node, and the path itself.

The nodes must be numbered consecutively, from 1 (or 0) to last node. If the initial node is 0, then 1 is added to all the nodes, becoming 1..'nodes'.

The computation is based on a code version adapted by J. Burkardt [2010].

The base problem is from T. Cormen [2014], at lecture 20 (=.pdf) giving 0 5 8 4 7 (i.e., distance from node 1 to node 3 is 8, etc.).

Draws a simple plot, just for the (already shown) values of the shortest distances.

Other suggested data:
 1 2 40, 1 3 15, 2 1 40, 2 3 20, 2 4 10, 2 5 25, 2 6 6, 3 1 15, 3 2 20, 3 4 100, 4 2 10, 4 3 100, 5 2 25, 5 6 8, 6 2 6, 6 5 8 (copy, paste, giving: 0 35 15 45 49 41);
 1 2 4, 1 3 2, 2 4 1, 2 5 2, 3 2 1, 3 4 3, 3 5 4, 4 5 1 (giving: 0 3 2 4 5 ([Eiselt & Sandblom, 2000, p 293])).
Also, see 'GeeksExa.pdf' (below).

References: Plate: DijkstraDistances

• Burkardt, John, 2010, Dijkstra.

• Cormen, Thomas H., 2014, Lecture 20, Dartmouth College (Computer Science).

• Ikeda, Kenji, Shortest Path Problem (home, Tokushima University).

• Shortest Paths (by Sedgewick & Wayne, Princeton) • Dijkstra's algorithm.pdf (Melissa Yan, Math MIT; more)

• Animation: Dijkstra Shortest Paths (by David Galles, USFCA) (browser dependent ?) • Some graph algorithms.pdf (Carol Ash, UIUC).

• GeeksforGeeks: Printing Paths in Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm (GeeksExa.pdf).

• Eiselt, H. A., C.-L. Sandblom, 2000, "Integre programming and network models", Springer-Verlag, Berlin (Germany). ISBN 3-54067191-9).

• Search Dijkstra's algorithm

• 1781-06-21: Poisson, Siméon Denis (1840-04-25).

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Created: 2017-06-21 — Last modified: 2017-07-09