Queueing theory: M/M/s model
Finds s, number of servers, to minimize cost in an M/M/s queueing system.
2025.Feb.16 16:45:25
Cs Cost of service ($ / server / unit time)
Cw Cost of waiting in queue ($ / unit time).
α Arrival rate (or λ) (arrivals / unit time).
μ Service rate (customers served / unit time).
Global or wait Global or wait cost. •
Big s Big s (for limiting p0).
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Addresses an M/M/s queueing ("waiting line") system to find s that minimizes global cost (i.e., wait plus service) or wait cost, in steady state. The optimal number of servers, s, is found by minimizing the (mean) global costz(s) = Cs  s + Cw L (or wait costCs.Inactivity + Cw Lq), from the smallest s (compatible with steady state) until the optimum is recognized.

Other suggested data: Cs = 6 $ h−1, Cw = 18 h−1, α = 40 h−1, μ = 20 h−1 (DePaul U.)

Another example problem [Hiller et al., 1995, Problem 16.4-10, p 752] A single crew is provided for unloading and/or loading each truck that arrives at the loading dock of a warehouse. These trucks arrive according to a Poisson input process at a mean rate of 1 / h. The time required by a crew to unload and/or load a truck has an exponential distribution (regardless of the crew size). The expected time required by a one-person crew is 1 h.
  The cost of providing each additional member of the crew is $ 20 per hour. The cost that is attributable to having a truck not in use (i.e., a truck standing at the loading dock) is estimated to be $ 30 per hour.
  (a) Assume that the mean service rate of the crew is proportional to its size. What should the size be to minimize the expected total cost per hour ?
  (b) (Not computable here) Assume that the mean service rate of the crew is proportional to the square root of its size. What should the size be to minimize the expected total cost per hour ?
References: Plate queueMMs

• Hillier, Frederick, S., Gerald J. Lieberman: 2005, "Introduction to Operations Research", 8.th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA), ISBN 007-123828-X, Ch. 17, "Queueing theory"; 1995, 6.th ed., ISBN 0-07-113989-3, Ch. 16, "The application of queueing theory".

• Waiting line models (=.pdf), Patricia Nemetz-Mills (Eastern Washington Univ.).

• Baker, Samuel L. (Univ. of South Carolina).

• "Dracula" (manual.pdf, (T-)junction), Inst. for Transportation Studies, Fac. of Environment, Univ. of Leeds (UK).

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Created: 1999-05-24 — Last modified: 2021-07-15