Kruskal Count
  Plays the Kruskal card Count.
2025.Feb.16 16:54:50
N No. of card decks in act.
Face card value Face card assigned value (11–13 if 0). •
First card (1..10) Magician's first card. •
Repeatability (R) (0..∞) Repeatability (yes iff R ≥ 1). •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Plays the Kruskal Count with one or more random card decks. The user selects his preferred first card to play the Count and the "magician" try to guess the final, trap card.

If repeatability is selected (suggested), the user will be able to verify that (almost) any first card leads to the same target, 'trap' card.

This famous trick is due to the (University of Princeton) mathematician Martin Kruskal, 1925–2006 (in photo).

Suggestion — Set 'face card value' to 0, and sweep the 'first card' range (1..10). (Why ?)

References: Plate: KruskalCountPlay

• Google "Kruskal Count"

• 1792-12-01: Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (Николай Иванович Лобачевский) (1856-02-24).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/misc/Fx-KruskalPlay.php
Created: 2012-12-01 — Last modified: 2012-12-05