Unconventional dice
  Calculates the probabilities of the outcomes of a pair of unconventional dice.
2025.Feb.16 17:55:44
n Number of faces (pips) in each die. •
Pips in 1.st die
Pips in 2.nd die
  Calculates the probabilities of the outcomes of the sum of the pips of two unconventional dice, ie., dice with a given number of faces (not necessarily 6), and bearing given pips on their faces (not necessarily 1 to n). Pips are any integers (in any order).
  A puzzling case is 1 2 2 3 3 4 for a die and 1 3 4 5 6 8 for the other (Sicherman dice).
• Weisstein, Eric W., "Dice". From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
• Math Games: fair dice
• Sicherman dice
Created: 2006-07-08 — Last modified: 2007-01-16