Finds the Hansen solubility parameters #? RED ?.
Draws #etc. etc. graphs with the experimental points and the calculated points from regression.
• (Wikipedia) Solubility
• Gharagheizi, Fahrad, 2007, "New Procedure To Calculate the Hansen Solubility Parameters of Polymers", J. of Applied Polymer Science, 103, 31–36 (doi: 10.1002/app.23874)
• Vebber, G. CaƱete, P. Pranke, C. N. Pereira, 2014, "Calculating Hansen Solubility Parameters of Polymers with Genetic Algorithms", J. of Applied Polymer Science, 131:1 (12 pp) (doi: 10.1002/APP.39696)
• 1925-01-16: Dahlquist, Germund (†2005-02-08, 80 yrs.).