Tree growth
  Estimates the selected, optimizable parameters for an experiment. Under construction
2025.Feb.19 21:06:47
Abscissas i (order no.)   x1 Selected abscissas for graph.
n, nvar, npar No. of experimental points, independent variables, and total model parameters.
niv, ivopt
No. of optimizable model parameters and its rank vector.
X X-values given row-wise.
Y Y-values.
Par. names   1.α  2.β  3.γ Parameter names. •
P Parameters; scale factors.
krit 1 2 (min. sq.) 3 4 ∞ (minmax) Criterion [power of |ycalcy|].
tol, maxcal, imonit Tolerance, max. no. of iterations, monitoring.
Show values Shows the values of the graph coordinates.
  Estimates the selected parameters in the given model (Chapman-Richards). (The Nelder-Mead algorithm is used to optimize fit.) Only the parameters selected in 'ivopt' are optimized from the initial guess, P, given.
NB: in this example, β is made negative in the model, irrespective of its sign (β := −|β|).
References: Plate: Model090221

• Sharma, Mahadev, and John Parton, 2007, "Height-diameter equations for boreal tree species in Ontario using a mixed-effects modeling approach", Forest Ecology and Management, 249, 187–198.

• 1796-02-22: Quetelet, Lambert A. J., birthday.

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Created: 2009-02-21 — Last modified: 2009-02-24