and solves numerically the kinetics of monomolecular
(first order) reactions —a system described by a set of ODE's—,
by a Runge-Kutta method.
The basis case is the isomerization of 4 resin acids typical in
pine rosin (levopimaric, pimaric, neoabietic, abietic, respectively,
or L P N A, regarding the data). It is, for i, j = 1..4:
−dyi ⁄ dt =
(∑ j kij) yi +
∑ j ≠ i kji
(Suggested alternative data:
1 0.1 0.2 2, tf = 2) |
• [Smith, 2001(1995), Chap. 13,
"Case studies", "Case study 8", p 122].
• 1893-02-03: Julia, Gaston Maurice (1978-03-19). |