Computes the behaviour of a catenary,
as an inextensible cable, a system described by a set of 4 ODE's
(ordinary differential equations), solved by a Runge-Kutta method
of order. The solution values of θ and q
are sought by the shooting method, guided by Newton-Raphson (NR).
The method then lies on 12 ODE's.
The graph shows: (a) y (catenary)
vs. x;
or (b) θ (green) and q (red) vs. s.
† The coordinates of B must lie in a unit circle
and the tension, q, is given as related to the cable weight
(due to the non-dimensional formulation).
Other proposed data: (.35, -.35; -85, .1; etc.).
(Problem suggested and managed by Prof. A. Pinto da Costa,
IST.) |
• [Smith, 2001(1995), Chap. 13,
"Case studies", "Case study 8", p 122].
• 1755-04-27: Parseval des ChĂȘnes,
Marc-Antoine de
(1836-08-16). |