A fallacy in regression
   Finds the parameters of a certain function or its logarithmised form (with varied results).
n, nv, m, itransform 0   1 No. of points, no. of independent variables, no. of parameters, "transform" data. •
X X-values given in "nv" rows. •
Y Y-values. •
krit 1 2 (min. sq.) 3 4 ∞ (minmax) Criterion [power of (ycalcy)].
tol, maxcal Tolerance, max. no. of iterations. •
P Parameters (of order unit). •
Z Scale factors. True values are P.Z.
   Solves a regression for the function below (left-hand equation) or its transformation into a logarithmised, linearised form (right-hand equation).  The values of K and a differ, mainly for the former (about 10 % with the data proposed).  (The values would be identical if the data were "perfect".)  The original form is the legitimate one, although the linearised version is commonly preferred.
func   funcLin
• Hanna, Owen T., Orville C. Sandall, 1995, "Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering", Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River (NJ), USA, p 148.
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Created: 18-Feb-2004 — Last update: 19-Feb-2004