$value){ $post_array[$key] = stripslashes($value); } } } include("interfacetop.php"); undo_magic_quotes_on_post($_POST); if ($my_test) {echo '


';} foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ if ($key != EXEC_KEY) { $param .= $value . "\n"; if ($my_test){ echo "
$key : $value
"; } } } $work_name = microtime(true) * 10000; $work_dir = TMP_DIR ."/" .$work_name; umask(0000); // remover permissoes de defeito do utilizador // echo $work_name; echo $work_dir; if ( mkdir($work_dir, 0777) ){ $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe the child reads from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe the child writes to 2 => array("file", $work_dir . "/" . OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE, "a")); // Uploader -- Begin 20-Jul-2012 26-Jul-2014 ........................... if($filepresent){ if ($my_test) echo "% UPLOADER TWO
"; $target_path = TMP_DIR . "/"; $target_path = $target_path. basename($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); if ($my_test) echo '% target_path: '. $target_path. '
'; // Comment Begin........................................................ if ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["error"] > 0){ echo "% Error: " . $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["error"] . "
"; } else if ($my_test){ echo "% Uploaded: " . $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["name"] . "
"; echo '% — Type, size: ' . $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"]. ', '. $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["size"]. ' bytes
'; echo '% — Stored in: '. $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["tmp_name"]. "
"; } $target_path = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']; // Comment End ......................................................... if ($my_test) echo '% target_path: '. $target_path. '
'; if ($my_test) { echo '% Printing the file: ...
'; $myfile = fopen($target_path, "r") or exit("Unable to open file or file not given !"); while (!feof($myfile)) { echo fgets($myfile); } fclose($myfile); } // matches if mytest if ($my_test) echo "% End of upload
"; // Uploader -- End /* Compor a string que corresponde a chamada do executavel. */ $exec_string = EXEC_DIR. "/". $_POST[EXEC_KEY]. " ". $target_path. " ". $work_name; // § CAUTION } else{ /* Compor a string que corresponde a chamada do executavel. */ $exec_string = EXEC_DIR. "/". $_POST[EXEC_KEY]. " " . $work_name; // § CAUTION } $process = proc_open($exec_string, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if ($my_test) echo "% process: exec_string:
". $exec_string. "
"; if (is_resource($process)) { /* Escrever para o stdin do executavel os parametros */ fwrite($pipes[0], $param); // #test: echo "% Params: " .$param; fclose($pipes[0]); } // Admitimos que o executavel nao gera linhas com mais de 4095 caracteres while (!feof($pipes[1])){ $buffer = fgets($pipes[1], 4096); echo $buffer; // echo htmlentities($buffer, ENT_NOQUOTES, "ISO8859-15"); } fclose($pipes[1]); // Close any pipes before calling proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock $return_value = proc_close($process); clearstatcache(); // Se ficheiro de output vazio, apagar if ($my_test) echo "% work_dir: ". $work_dir. "
"; if (file_exists($work_dir . "/" . OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE)){ $size = filesize($work_dir . "/" . OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE); if ($size == 0) { unlink($work_dir ."/" .OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE); rmdir($work_dir); } } // Matches: if (is_resource($process)) (brace) if (!$my_test){ if (file_exists($work_dir . "/" . OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE)){ unlink($work_dir ."/" .OUTPUT_ERROR_FILE); rmdir($work_dir); } } // 2014-07-28 MCasquilho (Veloza) // $tmp_str = 'cd '. $work_dir. '; /usr/bin/gnuplot gnoload.dat'; //if ($my_test) echo "Executar:
". $tmp_str. "\n"; // exec ($tmp_str); //Final Falta uma chaveta de fechar ? // } /*echo "\n
"; // i.e., bottom if ($my_test) echo "% TMP_URL+work_name: ". TMP_URL. "/". $work_name. "
"; echo "\""."; echo "
". "Go back using your browser.". "
\n"; // matches descriptor... (Jul'19 MC)*/ echo ''; echo 'Go back using your browser.'. '
'; array_map ('unlink', glob("$work_dir/*")); rmdir ($work_dir); } else { // Erro na criacao da directoria de trabalho echo "Error: impossible to create the work directory
\n"; echo "\n
"; echo "
". "Go back using your browser.". "
\n"; } ?>