About me


Hello, welcome to my personal page!
Are you asking to know who am I? Well, this is the right place and the right time to introduce myself! So, to start, my name is Miguel Rodrigues, I´m 18 years old, and I’m a freshman at college.

Right now, I’m a student of Electrical and Computer Engineering in IST, which stands for Instituto Superior Técnico that belongs to Lisbon’s University (in Portugal). I’m studying there because I aspire to be an engineer and also for being so interested on technological progress. I hope one day contribute to some of them.

I have no special talents. I’m just a hard-working student trying to find his true vocation. In a world so vast the choices are not easy. I trace one course and one goal at a time and pursue it persistently because only then will our purposes be achieved.

Ideas I always had them… some misunderstood, for example, my “constructions” made of piles of toys, which I still made when I used diapers. In the next phase, I dreamed, idealized, and built Legos. Everything helped me to reach the “level” where I am today. From those small piles of toys, to the elaboration of the various school works, to the most challenging projects, from which arose, for example, EIDEIA and the Arduino Car.

However, if something falls me in love, it’s sport. With the football games I vibrate fervently, but in the water I am like a fish, even say that I have natural fins…! (Is it because I wear 46 on shoes?) Sport helps me to set goals and meet objectives, taught me how to organize my time and working as a team. From pure swimming, to open waters and to triathlon, I have been able to adapt to the different physical needs of each of these modalities, which were an excellent opportunity to increase my flexibility in adapting to each new situation, new challenge.

Considering about my features that I pointed out here, I think my way is to unite my passions, combining technology and sport.

Well, now, you know me a little bit better. You can always find more about who am I in my future posts, so be aware!

Miguel Rodrigues
