Card magic is one of, if not the, most developed subjects of magic. Within 54 (or 52) you have endless hours of entertainment for your audience. It is also very practical since you can carry a deck of cards everywhere and practice in the train, school, work…
There is more magic literature about cards than magic literature about any other object. This is because cards can be found almost anywhere, anytime and have a culture of it’s own. Card magic has fed of gambling techniques, Expert at the Card Table might be the perfect example, and flourished thus creating a huge community of magicians and card technicians (there is a difference).
Card magic ranges from self-working effects to intricate advanced pieces only suited for experienced magicians. They will suits the needs and desires of most people and that is why playing cards are so popular.
In recent years custom decks have also grown in popularity and besides being a tool for magic, cards are collectables and artworks. Vintage decks such as the Jerry Nugget’s have sky rocketed in price and companies such as Ellusionist, Dan and Dave and Theory11, release new decks in a regular basis.
In the future we will try to bring you articles on how to chose your cards, what is the difference between the most used decks and how they are made. As a rule of thumb, anything printed by the USPCC (United States Playing Card Company) will be appropriate for most usage. Bicycle is the most common brand in the world and is more than enough.
There is also a number of gaffed decks, this are decks that have been altered in some way to provide a specific advantage. A few of the most common ones are the invisible, Svengali and stripper deck. Almost all other gaffed cards will be a variation or combination of the previous.
Card magic that is not done with a gaffed deck or specially printed card will be performed using only sleight of hand (there are a few exceptions). Many great effects will also have a combination of both sleight of hand and gaffs.
Pick up a deck of cards, maybe a close-up pad, and start learning
A few recommendations for everyone:
Royal Road to Card Magic – The PDF is free. This wonderful book will provide you with all the tools necessary to do card magic. Not only you will learn the essential sleights, you will also learn effects to use them. From virtually self working effects to more advanced pieces, this is a great place to start! Paper back editions for those who don’t like to read on screens are available for cheap.
Expert Card Technique – Another very cheap and great option. You just can’t go wrong with this two options. Even if you are not into books, pick them up and go through the pages. There are enough good effects here for you to make a great card repertoire. The book is incredible, you get way more than what you pay for. Do yourself a favor and get it, it doesn’t get much better than this.
Card College Series – You know every sleight you have seen on youtube? It is here and probably better explained. This is a 5 volume series and almost a library of it’s own. It is not cheap as the first two but it’s is also on a all new level, the cost per effect/sleights ends up being very very low. This set alone can take you from complete beginner to pro. All essential sleights (and many more) are taught here in detail and with various tips and hints. At the end of each chapter there are effects with the sleights you learned. We can’t emphasise enough how good of an investment this is. Roberto Giobbi provides a brilliant education in card magic while also covering topics such as misdirection and presentation. If you are serious about card magic, please pick this up. (you can start by buying just the first two volumes, enough to keep you learning for a long while).
The Expert at the Card Table by S.W.Erdnase – This book is legendary amongst card technicians. If you are interesting in gambling, there is no doubt, it’s the right source. Some of the techniques will be outdated but almost all magicians you admire have originally learned from here. Find time to read it, even if you just want to get a small peek at world of cheating.
Card College Series DVD set by Roberto Giobbi – The books have already been recommended, but if you would rather learn from video. Roberto has compiled a video series teaching what is on his books. Once again, this is a great option . Read the book review above so you get an impression on what we think about Card College.
Royal Road to Card Magic DVD set by R. Paul Wilson – Ok, now you think we are just repeating the dvd’s of the books. Well this DVD set is not from the original writers of the book (that would be impossible) but is by an established magician. Once again you will find a complete course in here and you will get a lot more value than if you bought several 10 dollar downloads up until you matched the price.
The Foundations of Card Magic by Asad Chaudry – Brought to you by the creator of the 52kards youtube channel. This is a more modern approach than the previous two that besides the basic techniques will provide you with a few great effects from different creators, such as Jay Sankey and Ollie Meaning.
Art of Magic – This is not a complete course as the previous. Art of Magic is a website that sells magic effects. There are several free videos covering the most basic techniques. Elliot Terral teaches well and you are better of learning from here than from random youtube videos. Still, we would advise you get something that covers everything, specially if you are just starting out.
We wouldn’t say that there is a complete course on card magic on youtube but there are a few channels that might help you get started.
52Kards – Asad and Vin teach a variety of effects and sleights and do better than most youtubers in referencing books and only teaching what they really know. Both teachers have an undeniable passion for magic and teaching and this echoes in their work.
Ellusionist – The magic retailer besides selling cards and effects on their website have now started to provide a few free tutorials on youtube. Once again there isn’t a complete education in there but the teachers know what they are talking about and will give valuable tips.