Filipe Casal

I have obtained a PhD in Information Security at IST, Universidade de Lisboa under the supervision of João Rasga. My thesis concerns the combination of first-order satisfiability solvers, as well as probabilistic logics and their satisfiability procedures.

My main research interests are in the areas of vulnerability research, logic and automated reasoning. In particular,

  • combination of first-order satisfiability solvers
  • formal methods to prevent and mitigate side-channel attacks
  • probabilistic logics.

Filipe Casal

Vulnerability Research


I have participated in the EU-FOSSA program performing code review on the PuTTY source code for one month, leading to the discovery of the following vulnerabilities:

Selected publications

Classical Generalized Probabilistic Satisfiability.

Carlos Caleiro, Filipe Casal, Andreia Mordido

IJCAI 2017

Paper | Preprint | Github

Many-Sorted Equivalence of Shiny and Strongly Polite Theories

Filipe Casal and João Rasga

Journal of Automated Reasoning (2017)

DOI: 10.1007/s10817-017-9411-y

Kolmogorov One-Way Functions Revisited

Filipe Casal, João Rasga and André Souto.

Cryptography, 2(2):9 2018

DOI: 10.3390/cryptography2020009

Generalized Probabilistic Satisfiability

Carlos Caleiro, Filipe Casal, Andreia Mordido

LFSA 2016

DOI: 10.1006/j.entcs.2017.04.004 | Github

Revisiting the equivalence of shininess and politeness

Filipe Casal and João Rasga

LPAR 2013

Preprint | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-45221-5_15

Other publications

Multiple-Model Adaptive State Estimation of the HIV-1 Infection using a Moving Horizon Approach

Filipe Casal, A. Pedro Aguiar, João M. Lemos

ECC 2013

Preprint | PDF


PhD in Information Security

September 2018

Department of Mathematics | IST, Universidade de Lisboa

PhD thesis: Combining Satisfiability Procedures and Probabilistic Satisfiability

Thesis advisor: Prof. João Rasga

Master of Science in Mathematics and Applications

July 2013

Department of Mathematics | IST, Universidade de Lisboa

Master's thesis: On Nelson-Oppen Techniques

Thesis advisor: Prof. João Rasga


casal DOT filipe AT gmail DOT com