2022-02-20 16:54:16 
 size,                              0    |
 tmpfile,                       blank    |
 maxsize,                       50000    |
 sheet,                           C-1    |
%Wrn No upload; screen data used.
 csvdata:30chs,  time,increment
 data length,                      62    |
 Initial guesses:                        |
  0.4 0.004 0.004
 Option,                            1    | (0=Verify, 1=Adjust)
 xtol, ftol,        1e-09       1e-06    |
 maxiter,                        3000    |
 show,                              0    |
 rows, cols,                  7     2    |
 N. header items,                   2    |
 Header: ['time' 'increment']
 Abscissas in       0.000      10.000    | check sum,      31.000
 Experim. edges,    0.000     144.000    | check sum,     667.000
 Point  time (min)   incr. (g)   frac.   |
    1         0         0       0.000    |
    2         1        61       0.424    |
    3         2        87       0.604    |
    4         4       114       0.792    |
    5         6       126       0.875    |
    6         8       135       0.938    |
    7        10       144       1.000    |
 Number of parameters, 3                 |
 OPTIMIZATION ___________________________|_______________________________________
 BEFORE (or Verify):                     |
          0.4       0.004       0.004    |
 Resid,                         0.060    |
 AFTER:                                  |
 (a) scipy version: 1.1.0 end

 ---Through minimize, Nelder-Mead:-----------------------------------------------
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.001236
         Iterations: 205
         Function evaluations: 376
 Opt.: Resid,                 0.00124    | x: (opt. parameters)
       0.6363   5.361e-03   5.345e-03    | x, kF, kR
 Diameter,                         18    | μm
 Diffusivity,                 4.4e-14    | D = kF d² / (4 π²)

 For plot, t' is the square root, √t ([t] = min).
End of program
2022-02-20 16:54:16 
Elapsed time: 0.56 s (00:00:0.6)