Links: Quality
• Deming Institute, The W. Edwards • Juran Institute • Philip Crosby Assoc. II, Inc. • Feigenbaum General Systems Company
• Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Server  Clemson Univ. • Akiro Morita (Sony)
• Operations Management, Univ. of Stirling
ASQ  • American Society for Quality • Quality Progress • Quality Press* (Web Watch) • ASQNet selected… • Gazeta Global*
• Learn about Q • Statistics Division • CPI (Chemical and Process Industries) • ASQ Toledo Section
• J. of Quality Technology; JQT at Statlib (Dept. of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
• ISO, International Organization for Standardization • ISO 5725: accuracy (trueness and precision)
• SPE (Soc. Port. de Estatística) • IPQ, Instituto Português da Qualidade • ISQ, Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade • APCER  • BVQI  • TÜV (P) • Certif • Relacre • AEC, Asociación Española para la Calidad
• EFQM, European Foundation for Quality Management (Forum) • EOQ, European Organisation for Quality
• World Tourism OrganizationQuality • UNECE (UN Economic Commission for Europe) • IFPS PLU codes (fruits)

Universities • Statistical Quality Control and Assurance (–Ch.14) (U. of Illinois at Chicago) • Stat. at Duke • Quality Principle #2  (Kettering U., Michigan) • Experimental Design (industrial DOE), Industrial Center, The Hong Kong Polyt. U. • B. Farmen, Anderson U.

• NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) Sematech, ITL, SED

DOE • Stat-Ease (Design-Expert); Gosset (AT&T); StatSoft ("Statistica") • Chemtools, D. & analysis of exp. (Soton U.); Steve Buyske (Rutgers U.); Exp. des. (HK PolyU); Wilcox (Clarkson U.), DOE, etc.; Exp. des. (HK PolyU) • Camo Unscramble • (Reliability, DOE, etc.)

• Penn State U., Stat. (R, SAS, Minitab, SPSS)
• Bulk sampling: Pierre Gy, biography.pdf;  Performance Evaluation sampling (.pdf) ← USACE eng-manuals
• • PQ Systems  • Quality America, Inc.  • Statistica () tutorial  • Minitab, Inc.  • Statgraphics
• SAS (here) • Infinity QS, Inc.  • DSS Infotech, Inc.  • MiC Q., Primer in Stat.
 • NSF-ISR, Ltd. (Services → Food safety → HACCP, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
• NIST Datapac • Quality Digest Magazine,  interview with Blanton Godfrey
• Management Science Institute,  …JournalQuality, a historical perspective • QFD Institute • Charterd Quality Institute
• Statistical Quality Control Online Military Standard 414 (ANSI/ASQC Z1.9) Tables • "Sampling plans"
• D. E. Stout, Jr. management • H. Migliore • Monash Univ. (Peter Gregory) • Virtual Labs. in ProbStat (U. Firenze)
• Variation (Taylor Enterprises, Inc.) • Levinson Prod. Systems SPC for nonnormal • Stat. (Math. Archives, U. Tennessee K.)
• Kolmogorov-Smirnov: KS-test, tools for sc. • Histograms • Calculus appl. to Prob-Stat, S. Waner (Hofstra U.)
• Petrochem • Resiquímica • LIQ
* Partial access (password)
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