Links: Operations Research (USA) / Operational Research (GB)
Societies:  INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Is OR for you ?)
AIRO, Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa • APDIO, Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento da IO
EURO, (The) Association of European Operational Research Societies • IFORS, International Federation of Operational Research Societies
OR Society, Operational Research Society (UK) • ROADEF, Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision
• Top 10 Algorithms.pdf of the XX century • INFORMS OR/MS Resource Collection • Promoting O.R.
• # OR Links (Nat'l Univ. Singapore) • MathArchives Linear NonLinear Progr. • COIN-OR
• Assignment Problem (network flow) ← ModelsP. JensenMech. Eng.U. Tx. @ Austin • Munkres' algorithm
• #A short course in Linear Programming, Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (online, Java) ← Harvey J. GreenbergU. of Colorado @ Denver
• Linear Programming: #FAQ, NWU OTC & Argonne (#optim. tree) • Ricerca Op. (U. Bologna)
• #Trick, Michael (Carnegie-Mellon U.): Dynamic Programming • J. Jensen (U. South Maine) • Daniel Epstein (U. South Carolina)
• Vanderbei, Robert J.@Princeton U. • #Hossein Arsham • Optimization book (Louisiana SU)
• #NEOS Solvers • "LP Solver", RIOT Remote Interactive Opt. Testbed ← Dept. of IEORU. Calif. @ Berkeley
• "LP Explorer" ← Dept. Maths. and Stats.U. of Edinburgh
• #Monte Carlo Methods (or) ← contents, sel. meth.CSEP, Computational Sc. Educational Proj. ← ORNL, Oak Ridge National Lab.
• #Operations ResearchUniv. zu Köln • #ORMS (Cz. U. Agron.) • The Marsaglia Random Number CDROM
• Beasley, J. E. (Brunel U.): OR-Notes (finance) • Wolfowicz, H., interesting sites
• Math-for-industry • #Linear and Discrete Maths. (Georgia T.) • Chinneck, J. W. (.ca), animations • TSPLIB U. Heidelberg
• Traveling Salesman ProblemGeorgia Tech • TSPG. Mason U.
• Knapsack problem Burkardt • K. Problems (book) Martello & Toth • Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
• Goal Programming Martsolf • Equipment replacement • Queueing: #St. Norbert (Wisc.)
• Castello Deterministic models (JHU)
• MapleSoft • Spreadsheet Analytics (U. SF) • Urban Operations Research (book)
OR in Chemical Engineering: Chem. Eng. @ Carnegie Mellon (search "Operations Research") • Chem. Eng. @ U. Waterloo (search)     • Tufts U. (search)
• BertsekasZuse I. Berlin • Floudas, Christodoulos A.Dept. of Chem. Eng.Princeton U.
• Maravelias, Christos T.Chem. and Biol. Eng. @ U. Wisconsin-Madison
• Sahinidis, Nikolaos group ← Dept. Chem. & Biomolec. Eng.U. Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign
• CIPACG. V. ReklaitisChem. Eng. @ Purdue U. • MINLPLibGAMS • Braz. J. of Ch. Eng. (Rejowski et al.)
Journals: Computers & Operations Research • European Journal of Operational Research • Interfaces
Operations Research • Recherche Opérationnelle • 4OR (Ricerca Operativa)
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