Casquilho (Mr.),
b. 1948, Lisboa (Lisbon), Portugal |
• Chemical Engineer,
(1971), Ph. D. (1985); Assist. Professor (IST).
Process simulation and optimization; Quality Control;
Operational Research; Computing
(journals, books) ⇒ |
| |
2024-Dec-10 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Pedro
Pacheco, Rui
Galhano, Jorge
2024, "A Linear Programming problem in Python and CPLEX, led by
Monte Carlo on the Web (A statistical exploration)",
icSoftComp2024, Charotar University of
Science & Technology (CHARUSAT), Bangkok (Thailand), 10–12 Dec.,
11 Dec.,
DOI: #10.1007/978-3-031-53731-8 |
2024-Dec-03 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Pascoal
Silva, Cristina
Caridade, João L.
2024, "A Web computing tool for a SIR model: immunity loss and
BIBM 2024, IST, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal), 03–06 Dec., 04 Dec.,
DOI: #10.1007/978-3-031-53731-8 |
2024-Jun-25 |
Caridade, Cristina, Miguel
Casquilho, Verónica
Pereira, José Alexandre
2024, "Integral calculus applications to find areas between polynomial
curves: (re)solved on the Web", CISTI'2024,
19.ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(19.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Salamanca (Spain), 25–28 Jun.
[Tue., 25Jun, 15h–17h
Program: see below] |
2024-Jun-25 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Cristina
Caridade, Jorge
Buescu, Rui Galhano,
2024, "Areas under polynomials for didactical computing on the Web
— The Internet as a computing terrain", CISTI'2024,
19.ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(19.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Salamanca (Spain), 25–28 Jun.
[Tue., 25Jun, 10h–11h30,
Program: see below] |
2024-Jun-25 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Pedro
Pacheco, Rui Galhano, Ivo
Paulo, João L.
Miranda, João Bordado,
2024, "Fitting a system of ODEs in Python: select the ‘function’ and
run on the Web — From ‘curve_fit’ to ‘minimize’", CISTI'2024,
19.ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(19.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Salamanca (Spain), 25–28 Jun.
[Tue., 25Jun, 10h–11h30,
Program (=.pdf), IEEE, DOI: #] |
2024-Jun-20 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Rui
Galhano, Jorge
2024, "From Einstein on the Beach to Collatz on the Web", ICMASC'24, International Conference on
Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering,
Porto (Portugal), 20–22 Jun.
[Thu., 20Jun, Build. H, Symp12, Room H207, 16h30–17h30
(.pdf); IEEE, DOI:# |
| |
2023-Dec-07 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Pedro
2023, "Three Languages Simulate Polygons and Perform on the Web",
icSoftComp2023, Charotar University of
Science & Technology (CHARUSAT),
Changa, Anand (Gujarat, India), 07–09 Dec.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-53731-8 |
2023-Sep-12 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Cecília
Castro, Jorge
2023, "From sums of unequal size samples to the mean and
standard deviation", XXVI Congresso,
Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,
Guimarães (Portugal), 11–14 Oct. |Paper.pdf|, Livro de resumos,
ISBN: 978-972-8890-49-0; Biblioteca
Nacional |
2023-Sep-12 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Abel
Rodrigues, João L.
Miranda, João
2023, "Superabsorbent polymers: their uses and properties,
and Web computation of their characteristic parameters", Chempor 2023,
Intern'l Chemical and Biological Engineering Conf., Bragança (Portugal),
12–15 Sep.
DOI:#... |
2023-Jun-20 |
Carvalho, Sandro, João Carlos
Silva, Paulo
Teixeira, Miguel
2023, "Vital signs monitoring sensors and devices — A case study
on some of the main devices used", CISTI'2023,
18.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(18.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Aveiro (Portugal), 20–23 Jun.
[Fri., 22Jun, 11h30–13h30,
#.ppsx|, abstr.pdf.
Program, IEEE, DOI: see below. |
2023-Jun-20 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Eliana
Costa e Silva, Cristina
Lopes, André
Espírito Santo, J. L.
Miranda, J.
2023, "Constrained random maps: shortest paths assessed on the Web
(The Internet as a computing medium)", CISTI'2023,
18.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(18.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Aveiro (Portugal), 20–23 Jun.
[Tue., 22Jun, 09h00–11h00,
.ppsx|, abstr.pdf.
Program, Iberian IEEE, DOI: see below |
2023-Jun-20 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Elisabete
Carolino, André
Espírito Santo, Sandro
Carvalho, J. L.
Miranda, J.
2023, "Acceptance sampling in Quality Control:
from theory to the Web", CISTI'2023,
18.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(18.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Aveiro (Portugal), 20–23 Jun.
[Thu., 22Jun, 09h00–11h00,
.ppsx|, abstr.pdf; Program
(=.pdf)]. (#Iberian… #IEEE Xplore my.pdf)
DOI:10.23919/CISTI54924.2022 |
| |
2022-Nov-06 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Sandro
João L. Miranda,
João Bordado,
2022, "An assignment problem over the Web: Python vs. CPLEX", IO 2022,
XXII Congresso da APDIO, Évora (Portugal), 06–08 Nov.
DOI:#... |
2022-Aug-23 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Jorge
2022, "Mean of Exponential distribution: estimation from sums of
unequal size samples", COMPSTAT 2022,
24.th International Conference on Computational Statistics,
Bologna (Italy), 23–26 Aug.
[Wed., 24Aug, 14h15–16h15, Slot H, Aula B
.ppsx| Program.pdf, Prog&abstr.pdf]. Book of Abstracts.pdf, p 53.
(Reported) ISBN 978-90-73592-40-7
DOI: none |
2022-Jun-27 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Jorge
2022, "From unequal size sample sums to estimating
the standard deviation", ICMA²SC'22 ('ICMASC'),
International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in
Science and Engineering,
Porto (Portugal), 27–29 Jun.
[Tue., 28Jun, 17h30–18h30, Room H207
(ISBN 978-989-53496-3-0, DOI:10.34630/20734 |
2022-Jun-23 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Alexandre
Pires, Fátima C.
Rosa, J. L.
Miranda, J.
2022, "A web-based superabsorbent polymer solver (in simple science)", CISTI'2022,
17.ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(17.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Madrid (Spain), 22–25 Jun.
[Wed., 22Jun, 15h30–17h30, Room 3204
.ppsx| Program
(=.pdf)]. (Iberian… IEEE Xplore my.pdf)
DOI:10.23919/CISTI54924.2022 |
2022-Mar-30 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2022, "Como pode a Web servir-me ?", *|.ppsx|, DEQ, IST (Accepted.pdf
pessoais.pdf|). |
| |
2021-Jun-23 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Afonso
Paredes, Fátima C.
Rosa, J. L.
2021, "A web-based cooling tower application", CISTI'2021,
16.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(16.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Chaves (Vila Real, Portugal), 23–26 Jun.
[Wed., 23Jun, 10h30–13h, Room 3, ITE
.ppsx| Program
(=.pdf)]. (Iberian… IEEE Xplore.pdf)
DOI:10.23919/CISTI52073.2021 |
2021-Jun-04 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2021, "How can the Web serve me ?", *|.ppsx|, DEQ, IST. |
| |
2020-Aug-23 |
Castro-Amoedo, Rafael,
Kantor, Casquilho,
2020, "Optimization of waste management systems: key for
CO2 mitigation", CHISA 2020, 24th International Congress
of Chemical and Process Engineering,
Prague (Czechia). 24–27 Ago.
[26Aug, 15h30–17h30, 15h30,
|Abstract pdf,
.ppsx|Program (=.pdf)]. |
2020-Jun-24 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Afonso
Paredes, J. L.
2020, "Parameter estimation over the Internet for ODEs in a
chemical reaction model", CISTI'2020,
15.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(15.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Sevilla (Spain), 24–27 Jun.
[Thu., 25Jun, 15h–17h, 15h, Room 5
.ppsx| Program
(=.pdf)]. |
| |
2019-Nov-09 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Jorge
2019, "Estimating the standard deviation from sums of
unequal size samples", XXIV Congresso
da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística
(24.th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Statistics),
Amarante (Porto, Portugal). 06–09 Nov..
[Sat., 09Nov, Sala do Paço I, Estatística Computacional
(Computational Statistics) 12h–13h,
.ppsx| Program
(=.pdf)]. |
2019-Jun-19 |
Cruz, Rui, Miguel
2019, "Distributed computing. Weights in a fertilizer factory", CISTI'2019,
14.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(14.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Coimbra (Portugal). 19–22 Jun..
[Thu., 20Jun, 09h–10h30, 09h, Sala 2.9,
|Paper.pdf| Program
(=.pdf)]. |
2019-Jun-19 |
Barros, Miguel T., Miguel
2019, "Linear Programming with CPLEX: an illustrative application over
the Internet", CISTI'2019,
14.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(14.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Coimbra (Portugal). 19–22 Jun..
[Wed., 19Jun, 15h30–17h30, 15h30, Sala 2.7,
.ppsx| Program (=.pdf) or book]
DOI:10.23919/CIST.2019.8760632 |
| |
2018-Jun-15 |
Barros, Miguel T., Miguel
2018, "σ from sums of unequal size samples, a conjecture:
heterogeneous servers, over the Internet",
13.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(13.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Cáceres (Spain).
13–16 Jun..
[15Jun, 17h–19h, 17h, Aula 4, |Paper.pdf,
.ppsx| Program
(=.pdf)]. |
2018-Jun-04 |
Lopes, Isabel Cristina,
Eliana C. Silva,
Conceição V. Nogueira,
Miguel Casquilho,
2018, "Water tariff structure based on consumption profile in a context
of Climate Changes", ESGI140,
140.th European Study Group with Industry
(European Consortium for
Mathematics in Industry),
Escola Sup. de Tecnologia do Barreiro, Polytechnic I. of Setúbal,
Barreiro (Portugal), week 04–08 Jun. |
| |
2017-Jul-13 |
Miranda, J. L., Miguel
2017, "Computing over the Internet applied to data visualization:
an illustrative example in Geometry",
DSSV 2017,
Data science, Statistics & visualisation,
12–14 Jul., Lisbon (Portugal).
[13Jul, 17h, Room Ea2, |Paper.pdf
(or Fig pdf),
(=.pdf)]. |
2017-Jul-04 |
Miranda, J. L., Miguel
2017, "Computing over the Internet, a little explored field: Linear Programming",
COST Medicines Shortage,
Portalegre (Portugal), 03–07 Jul.
|.ppsx| |
2017-Jun-22 |
Rosa, Fátima, Miguel
2017, "Web-based applications, a little explored field —
An Engineering problem: pneumatic transport",
12.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(12.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
ISCTE, Lisbon (Portugal).
[21–24 Jun. |Paper.pdf|,
session, 22 Jun, 09h–10h30, |Commun.ppsx|, pp 473–478 .pdf);
proceedings]. |
2017-Mar-02 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2017, |"Computing over the Web".ppsx|, Dept. of Computer Sc. and Eng.ing,,
Room Pa1, 18h, "Alameda", Instituto Superior Técnico (ULisboa), Lisbon, and
(06-Mar) Taguspark, Oeiras (Portugal). |
| |
2016-Aug-25 |
Carolino, Elisabete,
Miguel Casquilho,
Rosário Ramos,
Isabel Barão,
2016, "Web computing of robust methods in Acceptance Sampling for
Weibull variables",
22.nd International Conference on Computational Statistics,
Oviedo (Spain).
[|Paper.pdf |,
23–26 Aug.; Thu., 25 Aug., 09h, Room 7; list of abstracts]
|Commun.ppsx |.] |
2016-Jun-15 |
Cunha, Marco, Miguel
2016, "Parallel remote servers for scientific computing over the Web.
(Random polygons inscribed in a circle)",
11.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(11.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Canarias (Spain).
(pp 754–760) |
(=,pdf). |
2016-Jun-08 |
Carolino, Elisabete,
Miguel Casquilho,
M. Rosário Ramos,
Isabel Barão,
2016, "Applied scientific computing over the Web:
robust methods in Acceptance Sampling for Weibull variables".pdf,
ISBIS 2016 Meeting on Statistics in Business and Industry, 08–10 Jun.,
Barcelona (Spain). |
2016-Apr-11 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2016, |"O que posso construir na Internet:
computação".ppsx|, Auditório Municipal, Cadaval (Portugal). |
| |
2015-Jun-17 |
Cunha, Marco, Miguel
2015, "Applied scientific computing over the Web with remote servers:
sampling with and without replacement",
10.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(10.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Águeda, Aveiro (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
17–20 Jun., Fri., 19, 09h00, program, search "Casquilho"
(=,pdf, page 9).
|Commun.ppsx |.
(fotos, to appear)] |
2015-Feb-05 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2015, |"Being in Industry and
in Academia simultaneously: the Internet connection".ppsx|, DEQ, IST
(Lecture Theat. Qa1.1, 12h & 12 Feb), University of Lisbon,
Lisbon (Portugal). |
| |
2014-Aug-19 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Fátima
2014, "Behaviour of the quality index in acceptance sampling by variables:
computation and Monte Carlo simulation",
21.st International Conference on Computational Statistics,
Geneva (Switzerland).
[|Paper.pdf |,
19–22 Aug.; schedule, see below.] |
2014-Aug-19 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Elisabete
2014, "Sampling inspection by (Gaussian) variables via estimation of the lot
fraction defective: a computational approach",
21.st International Conference on Computational Statistics,
Geneva (Switzerland).
[|Paper.pdf |,
19–22 Aug.,
schedule.pdf, p 6.
Abstracts, p 27 (=.pdf).
Proceedings, pp 127 & 273 (=.pdf).
(=.mp4)] |
2014-Jun-18 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Marco
2014, "Scientific computing over the Web in various programming languages --- solving problems in Fortran, C, and Octave",
9.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información
(9.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Barcelona (Spain).
[|Paper.pdf |.
18–21 Jun., Sat., 21, 09h30, Aula Q1 (planta 0), program (=.pdf, page 16).
|Commun.pps |.
(fotos)] |
2014-Mar-19 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2014, |"Scientific computing over the Web".ppsx
CERENA's Seminars
(12h, Room Pa2), IST, University of Lisbon, Lisboa (Portugal).
(road map,
"existo" .pdf) |
| |
2013-Nov-29 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Miguel
Ferreira, Fátima C. Rosa,
2013, "Enchimento de embalagens com itens de peso e espessura aleatórios
com somas constrangidas",
XXI Congresso da SPE
(21.st Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Aveiro (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |,
29 Nov.–02 Dec., program (=..pdf).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2013-Nov-29 |
Casquilho, Miguel, João L.
Miranda, Jorge Buescu,
2013, "Determinantes de matrizes de elementos uniformes inteiros:
é a singularidade rara ?",
XXI Congresso da SPE
(21.st Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Aveiro (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |,
29 Nov.–02 Dec., Sun., 01, 15h15, Sala D. Pedro 3, program (=..pdf, p 7).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2013-Nov-29 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Elisabete
Carolino, Isabel Barão,
2013, "A abordagem da amostragem de aceitação para variáveis Gaussianas
em Controle de Qualidade via estimativa da fracção defeituosa do lote",
XXI Congresso da SPE
(21.st Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Aveiro (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |,
29 Nov.–02 Dec., program (=..pdf).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2013-Nov-15 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Fátima
Rosa, João L.
2013, |"Qualidade, computação, superabsorventes".pps|. |
2013-Jun-19 |
Ferreira, Miguel, Miguel
2013, "A web application for distributed computing —
solving a typical statistical problem in industry",
8.ª Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
(8.th Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies),
Lisbon (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
19–22 Jun., Wed., 19, 15h30, Sala 4, Piso 1, program (=..pdf, page 2).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2013-Jun-06 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2013, "Computação científica, Internet, Indústria",
1.st Portuguese Meeting on Mathematics for Industry,
FCUP, Porto (Portugal).
[06–08 Jun., Fri., 07, 15h40, Timetable
(program) (=..pdf,
p 1). |Commun.pps|.] |
2013-May-31 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Abel
Rodrigues, Fátima
2013, "Superabsorbent polymer for water management in forestry",
2013 Spring Int'l Conference on Agriculture and Food Engineering,
Wuhan (China).
[|Paper.pdf |.
31 May–02 Jun, Sun., 02, program.pdf (=..pdf,
page 13).] |
2013-May-30 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
2013, "Computação científica na Internet",
"Massive Open Online Courses", IST, Lisbon (Portugal).
[30–31 May, Thu., 30, 16h15, Programa (=.pdf,
p 4).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2013-Mar-27 |
Ferreira, Miguel, Miguel
2013, "Scientific computing over the Internet: an example in Geometry",
World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies,
Olhão (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
27–30 Mar., Wed., 27, 17h, "Software systems, architectures,
applications and tools", Parallel Session 2, program (=..pdf, page 2).
|Commun.pps |.] |
| |
2012-Sep-26 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Jorge
2012, "Determinantes de matrizes de elementos uniformes 0–1:
ordem 2 e (algo) mais", XX Congresso anual da SPE (20.th Congress of the Portuguese
Statistical Society), Porto (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
26–29 Sep., Fri., 28, 16h45, "MP-2", room S4-3, programme (=..pdf, page 11).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2012-Sep-26 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Fátima C.
2012, "Índices de qualidade: das gaussiana e exponencial para a
gaussiana truncada", XX Congresso anual da SPE (20.th Congress of the Portuguese
Statistical Society), Porto (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
26–29 Sep., Fri., 28, 14h30, "CQ", room S3-4, programme (=..pdf,
page 10). |Commun.pps |.] |
2012-Sep-26 |
Rodrigues, Abel, Miguel
Casquilho, G. Pita,
J. Bordado,
2012, "Aplicação de modelação GEE (equações de estimação generalizadas)
ao sequestro de carbono num eucaliptal", XX Congresso anual da SPE
(20.th Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Porto (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
26–29 Sep., Sat., 29, 09h00, "BE", room S5-5, programme (=..pdf,
page 13). |Commun.pps |.] |
2012-Sep-26 |
Carolino, Elisabete,
Miguel Casquilho, Isabel Barão,
2012, "Planos de amostragem de aceitação comparados: variáveis gaussiana
e truncada e transformações de Box-Cox", XX Congresso anual da SPE
(20.th Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Porto (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
26–29 Sep., Fri., 28, 11h00, programme (=..pdf,
page 18). |Poster.pps |.] |
2012-Sep-26 |
Silva, Giovani, A. Rodrigues, Miguel Casquilho,
2012, "Análise bayesiana da produção de pinheiro manso em parcelas
de campo", XX Congresso anual da SPE
(20.th Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Porto (Portugal).
[|Paper.pdf |.
26–29 Sep., Fri., 28, 11h00, programme (=..pdf,
page 17). |Poster.pdf |.] |
2012-Jun-20 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Fátima C.
2012, "Scientific computing on the Internet: direct resolution
of several engineering problems", CISTI'2012, 7.ª Conf. Ibérica de
Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información (7.th Iberian Conf. on Information
Systems and Technologies), Madrid (Spain).
[|Paper.pdf |.
20–23 Jun., Thu., 21, programme (=..pdf, page x).
|Commun.pps |.] |
2012-May-22 |
Rodrigues, A., G. Pita,
Miguel Casquilho,
2012, "Evaluation of the potential of sequestration of atmospheric carbon
in a Portuguese eucalypt stand under conditions of water stress",
‘Int'l Conf. Biological
Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’,
Kaunas (Lithuania).
[|Abstract.pdf |.
21–23 May, Tue., 22, Session 5, No. 6, programme (=..pdf).
|§Commun..pps|.] |
2012-Feb-03 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
"Computação científica na Internet, um campo pouco explorado",
Universidade Aberta, Porto Salvo (Oeiras) (Portugal), |commun.pps
UAberta = entrevista.mp4, 27 Mb)
(Steve Jobs...) |
| |
2011-Nov-15 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
"Scientific computing on the Internet, a little-trodden field",
IST, Lisbon (Portugal), |commun.pps
(A. Fragoso). |
2011-Sep-28 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Fátima C.
2011, "Estratégias de enchimento de sacos com itens de peso aleatório e
soma constrangida", XIX Congresso anual da SPE
(19.th Annual Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
Nazaré (Portugal), 28 Sep.–01 Oct., Thu., 29:
.pps|, programme
(=.pdf, page x),
"Quality Control" (p 73). |
2011-Jul-22 |
Colaboradores e M. Casquilho, 2011, "M. C.: notas bio. &
|rel.| 1971–2011"
(.pps) (|fotos|) |
2011-Jun-18 |
Franco, Bruno, Miguel
Casquilho, 2011, "A Web application for scientific
computing: combining several tools and languages to solve a statistical
CISTI'2011, 6.ª Conf.
Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Chaves (Portugal),
15–18 Jun. Sat., 18:
|paper.pdf ;
commun.pps (2 Mb),
program=.pdf (p 6). |
2011-May-26 |
Rosa, Fátima C., Miguel
Casquilho, 2011, "Effect of temperature
on water absorptionby a superabsorbent polymer",
4.th ICEEEM, Int'l Congress
on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, Mérida (.es),
25–27 May. Thu., 26:
|commun.pps (14 Mb),
program &
.pdf (p 7). |
2011 (collab.) |
Costa, A. Pinto da,
"Assessing...", Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.
(doi:10.1016/j.cma.2010.12.019). |
| |
2010-Nov-25 |
Rosa, Fátima, Miguel
Casquilho, 2010, "Computing equation parameters in
superabsorbent polymer swelling kinetics", iCONCEPT 2010,
Int'l Conf. on Computational Engineering Practices & Techniques,
Kuttippuram, Kerala (.in), 25–26 Nov., Fri., 26:
|commun.pdf|, schedule.pdf,
p 4, Session IV, Paper 129, Main Seminar Hall (Room 301). |
2010-Oct-02 |
Rodrigues, Abel, Miguel
Casquilho, João Bordado,
2010, "Abordagem estatística ao impacto do ataque do nemátodo no
comportamento mecânico da madeira de pinheiro bravo", XVIII Congresso anual da SPE
(18.th Annual Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
São Pedro do Sul (Portugal), 30 Sep.–02 Oct., Sat., 02:
.pps|, programme
p 8, Sessão 28, Sala 4, "Modelos". |
2010-Oct-01 |
Casquilho, Miguel, 2010, "Você comprou 1 quilo
de laranjas ?", XVIII Congresso anual da SPE
(18.th Annual Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society),
São Pedro do Sul (Portugal), 30 Sep.–02 Oct., Fri., 01:
|commun.pdf |, pps←IE),
p 6, Sessão 22, Sala 2, "Aplicações". |
2010-Jul-21 |
Casquilho, Miguel, 2010, "Numerical integration
in tabular form", ICEE-2010, Int'l Conf. on
Engineering Education, Gliwice (.pl), 18–22 Jul., Wed., 21:
|commun.pdf|, schedule (=.pdf),
p 17, Session W13E, "Computer based teaching". |
| |
2009-Nov-27 |
Rosa, Fátima C., Miguel
Casquilho, 2009, "Kinetics of swelling
of a superabsorbent copolymer in aqueous solutions with salts",
III ICEEEM, Int'l Congress
on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, Portalegre (.pt),
25–27 Nov.. Fri., 27:
(.pdf). |
2009-Oct-02 |
Casquilho, Miguel, 2009, "Controle do peso dum
número aleatório de sacos" (control of the weight of a random number of sacks),
XVII Congresso da SPE
(17.th Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society), Sesimbra (.pt),
30 Sep.–03 Oct..
Fri., 02: |commun.pps|,
programa.pdf (schedule),
p 8, Sala 2 (see "Casquilho"). |
2009-Sep-07 |
Miranda, João L., Miguel
Casquilho, 2009, "Robust optimization modelling of
biomass gasification systems", IO2009, 14.º Congresso da APDIO (14.th Congress of the Portuguese Association
for Operational Research), Monte de Caparica (Almada, .pt), 07–09 Sep..
Mon., 07: |commun.pps|,
programa.pdf (schedule),
2C2, p 1 (see "Casquilho"),
resumos.pdf, p 23. |
2008-Mar-17 |
Miranda, João L., Miguel
Casquilho, 2008, "Optimização por generalização de
modelos: planeamento e sequenciamento de processos químicos" (optimization
by models generalization: planning and sequencing of chemical processes),
IO2008, 13.º Congresso da
APDIO (13.th Congress of the
Portuguese Association for Operational Research), Vila Real,
17–19 Mar. (Mon., 17: |commun.pps|;
programa.pdf, schedule,
S6C, p 2, see "Casquilho"). |
2008 (collab.) |
Costa, A. Pinto da, and
A. Seeger,
"Cone-constrained eigenvalue problems: theory and algorithms",
Computational Optimization and Applications, 26-Jan.
(doi:10.1007/s10589-008-9167-8). |
2008-Jan-14 |
Rosa, Fátima C.
João L. Miranda
(.|pps|): research with
Miguel Casquilho, 2008, overview
(triennium 05–07). |
2007-Sep-05 |
Miranda, João, Miguel
Casquilho, 2007, "A problem-based approach to
Optimization: applied cases, from basic cycles to Engineering education",
ICEE 2007
(Int'l Conf. on Engineering Education), Coimbra (Portugal),
03–07 Sep. (Wed., 05:
schedule.pdf, W2G, p 17). |
2007-Jul-24 |
Miranda, João, Miguel
Casquilho, 2007, "Stochastic optimization of the
design and scheduling of batch chemical processes", OPTI2007 (6.th Int'l
Conf. on Optimization), Porto, 22–25 Jul. (Tue., 24:
program.pdf, p 178). |
2007-Jun-06 |
Miranda, João, Miguel
Casquilho, 2007, "Robust optimization in heat
exchanger network synthesis", II CIIEM 2007
(2.do Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Energética y Medio Ambiente,
Int'l Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and
Management), Badajoz (Spain), 04–07 Jun. (Wed., 06:
|texts|). |
2007-Jan-22 (collab.) |
Carolino, Elisabete, 2007, "Avaliação
da influência da rolha na qualidade do vinho:
controlo do componente que motiva o sabor a rolha"
(Evaluation of the influence of the cork in the quality of wine),
(Centro de Estruturas Lineares e Combinatórias), Fac. Ciências de Lisboa,
Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon University)
(pdf). |
2006-Nov-09 |
Carolino, Elisabete Almeida,
Miguel Casquilho,
Isabel Barão, 2006, "A área esquecida do controlo
de qualidade: a amostragem por aceitação", II WEMC (Workshop em Estatística,
Matemática e Computação), Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 08–09 Nov.
(Fri., 09: |commun.pdf|;
SN1A, search Casquilho). |
2006-Oct-10 |
Miranda, João,
Miguel Casquilho, 2006, "Optimização robusta no
planeamento de redes de processos flexíveis" (robust optimization in
the planning of networks of flexible processes),
(12.º Congresso da APDIO, Associação Portuguesa de
Investigação Operacional, Portuguese Association for
Operational Research), ISEG, Lisboa, 08–11 Oct. (Tue., 10:
proceedings.pdf, p 66). |
2006-Sep-29 |
Casquilho, Miguel, Manuel
Morais, 2006, "Amostragem de
aceitação por variáveis: distribuições assimétricas",
XIV Congresso Anual da SPE
(Soc. Port. de Estatística), Covilhã, 27–30 Sep. (Fri., 29).
2006-Sep-29 |
Carolino, Elisabete,
Miguel Casquilho,
M. Isabel Barão,
2006, "Amostragem de aceitação para uma variável assimétrica: a Exponencial",
XIV Congresso Anual da SPE
(Soc. Port. de Estatística), Covilhã, 27–30 Sep. (Fri., 29.),
pp 281–292. |
2006 |
Carolino, Elisabete,
Miguel Casquilho,
M. Isabel Barão,
2006, "A Qualidade e o seu controle estatístico: medição, avaliação e
actuação", III Congresso CTLIC (Ciências e Técnicas Laboratoriais e
Intervenção Comunitária). |
2005-Oct-01 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
Marco Constantino,
Manuel Morais, 2005, "Sobre a amostragem de
aceitação por variáveis não-gaussianas",
*XIII Congresso
Anual da SPE (Soc. Port. de Estatística), Ericeira (Mafra),
28 Sep.–01 Oct. (Thu., 29: search
…). |
2004-Sep-29 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
Marco Constantino,
Manuel C. Morais, 2004, "Amostragem de aceitação
por variáveis não-gaussianas",
XII Congresso Anual
da SPE (Soc. Port. de Estatística, Portuguese
Statistical Soc.), Évora, 29 Sep.–02 Oct. (Fri., 01:
bill.pdf; search "Casquilho"
…, p 3). |
2004-May-19 |
Casquilho, Miguel, 2004,
"O método de Monte Carlo na prática do controle de Qualidade",
Jornada de Matemática (ESTG, Eng.ª), Portalegre:
cartaz .
commun.pdf. |
2001-May-14 |
*II Jornadas
Tecnológicas de Eng.ª Química
IPL), Lisboa. |
2001-Apr |
«Controlo da Qualidade» (Quality Control), course,
Master's programme in «Sistemas de Controlo e Manutenção Industrial;
Sistemas Aeroespaciais» (Control and industrial maintenance systems;
aerospace systems), Unidade Científica e Pedagógica de Ciências
de Engenharia (Scientific and pedagogical unit of Engineering Sciences),
Universidade da (Univ. of) Beira Interior, Covilhã (Castelo Branco),
Portugal. |
2000-Mar-14 |
Casquilho, Miguel, 2000,
"Qualidade e optimização na Indústria Química",
3.ª Semana de
Engenharia, Portalegre, 13–17 Mar.
I. P. Portalegre). |
1998-Jul-20 |
Opti'98 (monday). |
1986-Dec-02 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
João A. A. Lourenço,
Maria João Marcelo Curto, "Cálculo
do vapor de arrastamento na destilação descontínua da gema do pinheiro",
1.º Congresso Florestal Nacional, LNETI/DTIQ, Estr. Paço do Lumiar, 22,
1649-038 Lisboa, 02–06 Dec., C-15, p 70. |
1981 |
Casquilho, Miguel,
J. M. Abecassis Empis,
3.º Encontro Nacional de Química. |
COELHO ROSA (Mrs.), b. 1956, Ferreira do Alentejo (Beja),
Portugal |
• Chemical Engineer, Ph. D. (1999);
Assistant Professor (IST). Superabsorbent polymers |
João Luís
de MIRANDA (Mr.), b. 1968, Montalegre (Vila Real),
Portugal |
• Chemical Engineer, M. Sc. (Chem.
Eng.ing, IST, 1997, Ph. D. (Chem.
Eng.ing, IST, 2007; coord. professor (ESTGP).
Optimization, mathematical programming |
CUNHA (Mr.), b. 1992, Lisboa, Portugal |
• Computer Science Eng.ing,
IST, 2016 (candidate, 69580).
Computer Science, Information Technology |
FERREIRA (Mr.), b. 1991, Lisboa,
Portugal |
• Computer Science Eng.ing,
IST, 2013 (candidate, 58029).
Computer Science, Information Technology |
(Mr.), b. 1947, Lisboa, Portugal
(http://www.sensolog.pt/) |
• Chemical Engineer, M. Sc. (Operational Research,
1999; consultant. Logistics; optimal plant location |
| |