Submission of results


Results can be submitted by e-mail to until the 1st of April 2017.


There are six test cases with available data for functional and local flow quantities. Results requested from the participants are the estimated numerical uncertainties of the selected flow quantities () at three grid refinement levels for the flat plate flow () and two grid refinement levels for the flows around the NACA 0012 airfoil ().


Uncertainties () should be given in absolute value (not in percentage).  Uncertainties for a given grid refinement level  must be estimated using only the data of the grids with .


Data should be submitted with the same format of the files with the available data. Instructions for the submission of results for the flow over a flat plate and for the flow around the NACA 0012 airfoil are given in pages Flat Plate (CASES I, II and III) and  NACA 0012 (CASES IV, V and VI).