Low-cost educational drop tower
A website to keep track of our progress developing our ElectroCap challange proposition, a low-cost educational drop-tower for microgravity experiments.
What’s our main objective?
Our main objective is finalizing our project with a completly functional drop-tower that follow the following principles:
- Low-cost.
- Zero-state solution.
- Accessible to everyone.
- Upgraded version to previous models.
- Incentivisation in the STEM areas through fun experiments.
Why develop this project?
Currently there are several factors that could incetivize the development of a low-cost drop-tower, some of them would be, for example:
- Microgravity effects generate scientific curiosity across all age groups.
- Drop-towers are expensive and limit public engagement in this area.
- Developing easily deployable drop towers would enable the scaling up of microgravity experiments.
- People across all ages that have an interest in STEM would benefit greatly.
What exactly is a drop-tower?
If you are interested in this project but are still on the fence of what it exactly it is we are developing, make sure to check our gallery in the elements tab and also here are some points to note for better understanding:
- Our drop-tower involves using a Plexiglas box and dropping it.
- The Plexiglas box will contain specific items to visualize microgravity effects during free fall.
- A built-in camera will enable real-time visualization of these effects.
- The Plexiglas box will be fixed to a ceiling with a solenoid and dropped using a PC program.