Electrical Specifications

Supply Voltage (Vs) 5V (maximum 6V)
Working power (peak) 8.4W
Working power (standby) 4.2W
Reading Distance 0.70m (max.)
Tag Protocol ISO18000-6C (EPC Gen. 2)
Tag Area 90mm x 1mm
Working Frequency 920MHz
RF power 20dBm (0.5W) max
RFID reader receive sensitivity -86dBm (2.51 × 10-12W )
Minimum power supply requirements 5V @ 3A (15W)
Antenna Gain 5dBi @ 920MHz
Antenna Area 49.5mm x 49.5mm

After the preparation of the list of materials, it was possible to design the electrical specifications of our project.

In order to confirm if these materials would be suitable for our project, a research was carried out on the specifications of each component and with that some calculations, to obtain the energy efficiency of the final product, as well as the range of the sensor. The calculations can be viewed in the PDF on the Project page, in the detailed subsection.


  • Francisco Rosa

  • Time frame:

  • From: 10/03 to 24/03
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