
Peixoto, C., Lopes, M. B., Martins, M., Costa, L., & Vinga, S. (2020). TCox: Correlation-Based Regularization Applied to Colorectal Cancer Survival Data. Biomedicines, 8(11), 488.

Peixoto, C., Martins, M., Costa, L., & Vinga, S. (2022). Kidney Cancer Biomarker Selection Using Regularized Survival Models. Cells, 11(15), 2311.

Peixoto, C., et al., (2023). Identification of biomarkers predictive of metastasis development in early-stage colorectal cancer using network-based regularization. BMC Bioinformatics, 24(1), 1-23.

Oral Communications

Speaker at workshop machine learning in science

2022 online
TCox: Correlation-Based Regularization Applied to Colorectal Cancer Survival Data

Speaker at 6th annual conference REDESAÚDE - multidisplinary perspectives and global health at ULisboa (oncology and precision medicine)

2022 Lisbon
Identification of biomarkers predictive of metastasis development in early-stage colorectal cancer using network-based regularization

EMBL conference - Cancer Genomics (poster presentation)

2021 online
Biomarker selection in survival colorectal cancer data using correlation-based regularization

IX Bioinformatics Open Days (poster presentation)

2020 Braga
Sparse models and network-based regularizers for the analysis of RNA-seq data from colorectal cancer

EMBO Workshop – Precision Health: Molecular Basis, Technology and Digital Health (poster presentation)

2019 Heidelberg
Sparse models and network-based regularizers for the analysis of RNA-seq data from colorectal cancer

ISCB/ECCB (poster presentation)

2019 Basel
Transcriptomic analysis of colorectal tumoral and normal tissues: comparison of TCGA and GTEx RNAseq data
(doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1117532.1)

PhD open days (poster presentation)

2019 Lisbon
Computational Biology for Modeling Oncological Omics Data: the way towards personalized medicine.

Oral communication - Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Pharmacology

2017 Coimbra
Genetic deletion of adenosine A2A receptor in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, APP/PS1: impact on LTP

SynaNet Project Meeting (poster presentation)

2017 Lisboa
Genetic deletion of adenosine A2A receptor in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, APP/PS1: impact on LTP