Profile Picture

Muhammad Adnan Anwar

Postdoctoral Researcher

CEMAT - Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics

About Me

Department of Mathematics
IST- Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa.


Phone: +351 920016842

Research Interests

Technical Skills

Category Skills
Preprocessing Gmsh, FreeCAD, MeshLab, HyperMesh
Simulation FEniCS, OpenFoam, FreeFEM, Ansys Fluent, Comsol Multiphysics
Visualization Paraview, GMV, Plotly, Matplotlib
Programming Python, C/C++, Matlab, Maple
Version Control Git: Github repository, GitLab
Operating Systems Linux (Ubuntu), Microsoft Windows
AI & Data Science Machine Learning, Data Science (several projects)
Productivity Tools Canva: Expert in Presentation, Posters, Online lecture recording, etc.
Google Tools Google CoLAB, Google OR tools
Markup Profound knowledge of LATEX, Markdown
Remote Access Experience with ssh


Conference Presentations